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Hi everyone!

Here's what happened:

  • LD starts at midnight (for me, France time)
  • I notice the time at 00:13 and go check the theme
  • The Ludum Dare 42's theme is 'Running Out Of Space'
  • I go "Ah.", and go back to working on the breakout clone (news on that soon)
  • Saturday goes by.
  • Sunday goes by.
  • Sunday 23:30: "Ok let's make this dumb idea I just got."
  • Monday 01:30 *thunder in the background*: Behold This New Video Game!

And that's how Tetrolled was born!

The theme didn't excite me at all because, while exploring the idea of space seems interesting enough, I was absolutely not looking for a design exercise in this Ludum Dare. I was really hoping for a more 'thematic' theme that would have let me do basically whatever I wanted.

But that's ok, I almost did nothing and then I did a little thing in 2 hours. It's pretty much just a brainfart, but it's something!

It's also my third Tetris clone, but hush about that.

Play it over here!

Peek at the code over there!

Download the cart below this post!

If you have questions about this game, how I coded it, how did I manage making something in 2 hours, anything else, please let me know! Leave a comment here or send me a message or tweet at me! I'll be glad to answer!

See you tomorrow for the weekly recap and thank you for your support!



Tim S

How _did_ you manage to make something so quickly? When I try the 0-hour game jam I never get anything that could really be called a game.


I think the most important is to have your implementation in mind right as you start. If you don't know how to make your idea happen, the first thing you should do is to figure it out on paper. Think about both the code and the art. Definitely try to use things you learned from other projects, patterns you're already familiar with. On the art side, just keep it simple. If you're using Pico-8, you can use palette swaps, which can be used to generate a variety of sprites from just one. If you're going to do animated sprites, keep it super simple, or better, only animate it with code, which can be a lot faster. On the code side, don't be afraid to get messy, use variable names made-up of just a few letters, organize your code only vaguely. However I find it's a good idea to delegate common lines of code to smaller functions, which can themselves call other small functions. These are fast to use and generally easier to debug. On the other hand, copy-paste is your friend if you think you don't have time to adapt code into a separate function. This is a tiny project you'll never go back to, copy-paste as much as you want to. The worst part of the process will be debugging when the debugger spits errors at you. Stay calm and look for the dumb mistakes. Maybe you forgot a character, wrote "angles" somewhere instead of "angle", forgot to assign a variable... It really can be anything but it's probably something dumb. Finally, take advantage of whatever engine you're using. In Tetrolled's case, I used Pico-8's map feature to define and draw the frames that you can see on-screen. I made the sprites, then placed them on the map and then I can just call map(). Pico-8 also lets you take control of when the screen renders and so you can make small loops ending with flip() in your code, for animations where the rest of the game doesn't update. (e.g. in Tetrolled, the flashing when a line is about to disappear, or the game over screen) If I'd insist on any of all that, I'd say make sure to know what your implementation is going to be like, and definitely use things/patterns/tricks you learned from other projects! I hope that helps! :)