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Hi everyone!

Last week I worked on SUGAR and barely got anything done on the game with the cute ball. The most important SUGAR feature I worked on was the text-pattern feature but it's not finished yet! So I didn't really have anything to show and pretty little to write, so Monday I decided not to write the Weekly Recap.

I meant to write Patreon update like this one, but then again I didn't have much to tell and I simply didn't come around to write it.

But things did happen since! On Sunday I came up with an idea for a C++ programming pattern that would let me prototype games in a way that would be very similar to how I make games in Pico-8! I implemented it on Monday and started using it on Tuesday! I'm making the break-out game you can see in the gif with it! It's working really well!!

Basically, all the objects in the game are instances of the same class. That class has an unordered_map which can contain integers, floats, booleans and strings, through the power of C unions! That means any instance of this class can have as many fields as I want, much like in a lua table.

On the performance side it's definitely not the best approach to making games in C++, but still it works more than well enough and it's super quick to work with, which is what I was looking for!

I'm hoping to finish this break-out clone by the end of the week-end. It'll be up on Itch.io and I'll make a Patreon post for it as well, so you'll know!

One last thing, I'm switching the Patreon subscription system to 'Charge Up Front'. For all you who already support me that doesn't really change anything but for any new supporter, they will have to pay for the current month before getting access to their rewards. Since a few of the rewards are access to troves and collections of write-ups, this make a lot more sense than waiting for the end of the month to charge, especially since some might remove themselves before their first payment. (this happened and yes I hold grudges) Well, no more!

I just thought I'd let you know!

Obviously I can't thank you enough for all your continuous support! August is just starting and I think it will be a better month for me than the last few. Right now my ego really needs me to release something, anything, and that's what the break-out game will be. From then I hope to stay very active for as long as I can!

Ok that's it! Have a nice Friday and a not-too-hot week-end! (I think that's the best we can wish for at least here in Europe)

Take care!




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