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It's Sunday night (technically Monday morning), a new week is starting, and maybe you too need some help organizing your time.

So here's Timetable (it's 2am, originality has already gone to sleep), a small program that will let you visualize the tasks you planned for the day, and where you at in it.

If you leave it running in the background, it will play a sfx when it's time to move on to the next task.

This was made in Pico-8 in about 3 hours. It's not particularly spectacular but I think it will be handy to me at least, I might as well share it, right?



Here's what an example of valid schedule looks like:

09:00 - design
12:00 - lunch break
13:00 - spritework
14:30 - code
17:00 - day done

Note that the software can only show a maximum of 10 hours at once before some of the timetable gets out of screen.

Now you do whatever you want, and I don't think you should particularly avoid working 10 hours or more in a day, but I do think you should avoid PLANNING to work more than 10 hours in a day. That's pretty unhealthy, trust me. Take care of yourself.

That's pretty much all there is to it though!

5$+ supporters can download the source for this little thing, right there!

Have a nice week everyone!




This is awesome! I love that you can make such practical tool just with Pico-8, and it looks sweet. I can't wait to try it out!


Pico-8 is great for making this kind of tool! The small API and the (relatively) simple LUA syntax makes it easier to get straight to the point and then make it pretty. :)