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Hi everyone!

Let's start with the tweetcart: I did a take on the classic demoscene effect with the twisting four-sided column and then took a ridiculous amount of time to fit it in 280 characters!

Check it out! 

I want to write a short write-up about this effect because it looks really cool obviously but also because it's surprisingly simple to implement! That'll be the first write-up of January and hopefully I'll have time for a second one in the next 10 days. I don't know about you but the month has gone by super fast for me!

The other thing I've been working on this week was preparing (and questioning) the ground for my very own C++ game framework/engine. Yes, I'm almost definitely doing this. The ultimate goal is to make Gar's Den's sequel with it!

I really want this game to be something big and full of procgen and optimized to be exactly what I want it to be. That's why I'm choosing to build it from the ground up, through sweat, tears and blood if need be. (let's hope it doesn't come to that though)

Of course, I want to document the journey, so you can expect tweets, posts, updates and possibly whole write-ups just about this project, coming during the next several months.

This week I've been mostly looking at C++ code again and thinking of how I'll be organizing my framework and what features I want it to have. Turns out I haven't written a line of C++ in over 2 years and I feel very rusty!

I'll be using SDL2 as main support library, although I will be interfacing everything because I would really like to be able to port the framework to consoles (i.e.: the Nintendo Switch) at some point in the future.

The goal for next week will be to get a solid start on this framework and jam out a small game that uses it. Wish me luck.

Also I need to find a name for this framework/engine!

The demoscene effect write-up will hopefully come sometime during the week-end, on the blog, on Medium and on here!

Have a great week-end everyone!





C++ Gar's Den part two? Sounds awesome! Two questions, tho: why SDL2 and not SFML2 (when it is has some really neat stuff, because written in c++), and why... not love2d again? You already made a game with it, and it uses lua... Currently making small pico-8 api layer on top of it ;) Good luck with your jam game! We all should jam more. Hype for the medium post :)


Fair questions! I'm going with SDL2 mostly because I have a lot more experience with that than with SFML2. Besides, SDL2 being a C library, pretty much everything is exposed and that's something I'm looking for. It also features some other archaic things like palette indexes as pixel format and pixel buffers, both of which I'm gonna be using! I'm not using Love2D (or anything else) because I really want to have total control over everything. Also, Love2D doesn't have Switch support and I would have no idea how to port a library that big myself. :S