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Merry End-Of-The-Year Festivities everyone!

To celebrate, here is my latest Pico-8 Doodle featuring FIRE!! Fire is really cool and there's lots of ways to simulate it and here I tried to do something original based on an idea of metaball fire. (except this isn't exactly using metaballs because metaballs are super CPU-expensive on Pico-8, although I'll probably have another demo about that soon!)

I'm very happy with the result and I hope you like it too! Since it is a season of merriment and giving, I offer you the source code and even executables! All at the bottom of this post!

Sadly, I'm having technical difficulties on my main laptop after a Windows update, while being on a family holiday trip. I'm writing this post from my very old small emergency laptop I also brought along. These technical difficulties mean that the second gift I had, which was going to be Patreon-exclusive, will be belated by a few days. I'm super sorry about that, especially because I really should have prepared it before I went on the trip anyway.

The good side of this is that I'm forced to fall back on my emergency laptop which can pretty much only do text editing (and running SDL-based applications, including Pico-8!) and so hopefully I can manage to produce at least one technical write-up in the next few days, possibly on this fire effect.

Other cool thing: since I'm on the road a lot with my holiday trip and I'm not driving all that much, I started and almost finished a 2-player Pico-8 game in about 6 hours. There's really not much missing so I'm also going to finish it in the next few days and then release it on the Pico-8 BBS and here!

Anyway, obviously I'm wishing everyone all of the best and an amazing 2018! I'm planning on having an incredible year myself and I hope you'll stick around for that!

Thanks everyone, have some great holidays!

Take care!


PS: on the doodle, you can press [o] to remove the flying text.



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