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Hi everyone!

No weekly recap today because there really wasn't much to talk about. 'Ninja Attack!' is still not finished even though we are advancing.

Currently the main two issues left are the seemingly under-performing ground detection and random crashes with absolutely no clue as to why they happen. (logs never show an error)

So that's where things're at. This project is gradually driving me crazy and the sooner it'll be done with, the better. And like the five last weeks, "we're hoping to finish it this week, for real this time."

And sorry for being so quiet lately. Whenever I try to do posts about the development of this project it ends up super negative and it doesn't feel like something that would be interesting to you.

Yesterday I was going to write about developing something for a technology you barely know the first thing about, you can't test, and have no documentation for. (which is my present situation) But in the end, I could shorten it to this small paragraph:

Don't do it. Don't do it for the sake of the challenge. Don't do it for the money. Just don't. It'll drive you mad. Having no documentation is bad enough but if you don't even have a way to test things yourself, making anything work will prove to be a major pain. Don't do the same mistake I did in accepting to do this.

So yeah, that's it for this week!

Next week I hope I can gather the energy and creativity to make a small Christmas thing. A separate thing from the Patreon-exclusive surprise I already announced, that is. We'll see.

Have a nice week everyone.

Take care.



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