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It's recap time! Here's the recap for the 83rd week of my indie adventures!

Not much happened this week if I'm being honest. I'm feeling a bit under the weather and I often end up procrastinating in the middle of the day. Which doesn't really improve anything.

Anyway, Ludum Dare is coming and once again I'm praying for a theme that speaks to me! I can barely believe that my last Ludum Dare entry is from one year ago! 2017 just went by so incredibly quickly... I'll write some more about that during December. (spoiler: it didn't feel like a great year for me, but I really hope to do better in 2018)

Ok, thank you for reading, have a nice week!



Theme almost every time sucks, but you always can find a good interpretation of it ;) Your last LD game was awesome! Looking forward to the next one :D


Thanks Egor! I hope I manage to find a good interpretation this time too! :)


Sometimes you just need some rest. It's okay to not have a productive week :) take care !