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Hi everyone!

In the last weekly recap I announced I would be spending the week on finishing 'Ninja Attack!'. Well I did just that!

iPhone X compatibility, layout overhauls, settings screen, music, sfx, balancing, leaderboards, score sharing, ads, loading screen... that's just a non-comprehensive list of all the stuff I did on the game this week.

And 'Ninja Attack!' is now feature-complete! ... or almost.

I sent the build to the Frosty Pop Corps yesterday evening but I'll only get feedback on Monday. There will probably be a few very small modifications to make.

But aside from that, a few weeks ago I accepted to add an AR mode after the 'main game' was done. (in exchange for some more money) So I still have that to do.

I'm hoping that this task will not take too much time. I'm really trusting the official AR Unity plugin on this. With the small modifications to gameplay I'll have to do, I'm hoping to get it all done in two days max.

In the meantime!

This week I also took some time to make a clock in Pico-8! I actually started on it on Monday, a few hours after writing I would try to resist the urge on the Weekly Recap.

At first I just wanted to use the new time-getting features to make a simple clock. But then I tried the new fill pattern feature and boy is that a cool feature. So I made a tiny system that generates fill patterns from 4x4 bichrome sprites in the sprite-sheet. (and proceeded to make lots of 4x4 bichrome sprites)

And then I added some sound to it, a quiet tick on every second, a slightly louder one when a minute passes and a loud one when an hour passes. Then I added an alarm that you can set or disable. And yesterday I added a 'lazy mode' where you press a button and the time flashes in digits.

Take a look!

It's been sitting in a corner of my screen the whole week!

I'm quite happy with it! I don't know if I should add anything else before releasing it! I'm also unsure about where I'll release it but it'll probably be here on the Patreon as a regular Pico-8 Doodle. And since we have binary exports now, the binaries will be public! (the source will be available to 5$+ supporters as usual)

That's coming sometime next week I think!

Aside from that, I'm going to finish my 3CJam game! I want to try and finishing it on tomorrow evening but it's unlikely I can manage that.

I will also be generating binaries for most of my previous Pico-8 projects and making them available on itch.io. Probably next week. (need time)

After or while doing all that, I will also start writing things for the blog and for the 8$+ supporters again!

I'm really happy I'm (almost) done with 'Ninja Attack!' and can now work on so many other things!

Have a great week-end!

Take care!



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