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There is a TL;DR at the end!

Hi everyone!

I hope you're doing well! I've been doing a lot better since I wrote about what bothers me in the development of 'Ninja Attack!' and I'm even better now coming back from IndieCadeEU!

IndieCadeEU is the European version of the US IndieCade festival, and like last year it was in Paris! I kept really positive memories from my trip to IndieCadeEU 2016 so of course I went this year as well... And it was even better than last time!

First of all, I did have 'Ninja Attack!' on my phone and I could just show that to people so they'd know what kind of stuff I'm making, which was great. Second, I found back some friends I made in last year's edition and shamelessly used them to make a lot more! Third, all these people showing and talking about their games made me want to go back to my own stuff really bad

Among all the super cool people I befriended, there was Hidden Folk's creator Adriaan de Jongh and I got some great answers from him about how Hidden Folks found such a big audience!

So I've been thinking a lot since I came back on Tuesday night and here is some stuff I want to tell you about:

  • 2018 will be the year where I publish at least one thing on Steam (probably Flying Pop-Pop, but maybe not) and where I start working on a bigger project. (likely to be Gar's Den 2 - won't be called that though)

  • Itch.io very recently added Patreon based features where you, my supporters, could have exclusive access to projects, etc. I super want to use that. A Patreon-based early access to my projects sounds like it would be amazing. Also, I want to make a Pico-8 Doodle dump for 5$+ patrons with all the Pico-8 Doodles!

  • I'm having second thoughts about Tokko, the project I told you about in the conclusion of last week's mini-series about 'Ninja Attack!'. Honestly, I would rather get back to working on my stuff as soon as I can and start making it profitable as soon as I can. Besides, this Patreon feels like it's slowly falling apart and I don't like that at all. I want to have my time back so I can grow it back and further. Haven't discussed this with The Frosty Pop Corps yet as I am not 100% sure of this decision. For now, I decided that I would decide when 'Ninja Attack!' is finished.

  • Articles and prototypes. I want to make those. I want to spend entire days exclusively making those.

  • Polls and more interactions in general. I love getting your thoughts on things I write or make and I really want more of that between you and I. I feel like doing more Patreon polls would be a good idea but also I don't know if I could come up with enough interesting options for such those. Other recurring thoughts involve Twitch streams and making a Discord. Let me know what you think? :X

  • Somewhat unrelated but most of you probably know already that a new version of Pico-8 came out! Maybe you also know that Zep is working on a patch for it (before officially announcing the update, it would seem) and this patch would include a new feature: getting the time! Expect a clock Pico-8 Doodle as soon as I can get my hands on that. I'm also very excited to test out all the other new features when Zep actually introduces them and we have the doc to use them.

Today I got an idea for an endless action game that could be simple enough for a first game with MonoGame maybe! It involves Illuminati and colorful visuals. That's pretty exciting!

It's really cool to feel motivated about so many things again! I can't wait to finish this f******* 'Ninja Attack!' game so I can get to all that stuff!

TL;DR: There are so many things I want to do, it feels great and I will get to them as soon as I'm done with 'Ninja Attack!', and it will feel even greater. Patreon v3.0 will roll out sometime during the next two months probably. I feel alive again.

Thank you for reading and thank you SO much for your support. I would not have gotten to where I am today without you or at least not nearly as fast. Thank you.

Take care!




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