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Hi everyone!

So, here we are, 6 weeks after I started this project for the Frosty Pop Corps and wow has it really been that long??!?

Anyway yes, let's keep in mind that I've been working on other stuff at the same time too. I've been keeping track of the time spent on this game and we are currently at three weeks worth of development time, with the first two week having been a bit rocky for various reasons.

Whatever, it's finally picking up! This week I could work a lot on the gameplay and that's really cool! I'm just a tiny bit late on two important features which are power-ups and a tougher enemy, but I expect these to take no more than two days.

As I explained in the last weekly recap, I changed the original design a little and made blobby eyes instead of ninjas for the enemies and it works really well! And since that ended up so well, I made another change on the planned design!

Originally, there was going to be a compass à-la Skyrim (kinda), to indicate where enemies were. But the compass I wanted to make was a bit complex to implement in Unity and I really didn't felt like spending a lot of time on it. So instead I made exclamation points! I pixeled the little animations in Aseprite and they indicate where you should look and how f*cked you are currently! And it works great, probably even better than a compass!

I also made a bunch of particle effects, made a transition to the game-over screen which is pretty good and then a transition to a new game which I'm actually very proud of! (it's the one with the metaballs) I have to admit the Unity particle effects are very good and a lot of fun.

Apart from that, I also made a system to store and load visual themes, each with a texture, a pair of colors and a bunch of other parameters! I was supposed to do it later in development but on Thursday I felt like doing it and just went for it. I'm super happy with it and I made it so that Faisal at the Frosty Pop Corps can create his own themes and share them with me super easily through a custom hacky data-export thingy! It's great!

Ok, I think that's pretty much it! There's still a bunch of exciting stuff that should get done in the next few weeks and I'll definitely let you know about those!

Have a nice week-end!

Take care!




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