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The week 71 of the Indie Adventures of Yours Truly are here to get read by you!

And while I have you here! I'm still considering options for new Patreon-exclusive articles. In particular, I'm wondering whether or not you'd be interested in short video game reviews, from a developer's perspective. There's a lot of games that come up with really nice little things that just make the experience nicer and I'd like to write about that. Is that something you'd want to read? Or would you rather have me write more technical stuff as usual? (I really want to start writing about design though) Let me know!

Oh also I forgot to mention it in the recap but 'Invaders... From Space!' is out!! If you have an iOS device, you can get it there! It got recommended by Apple in 153 different countries! We're having a bit of technical difficulties with it on our side with it though, I'll make an update about it when I get more information!

Have a great week!


Tim S

Congrats on the launch of Invaders from Space! Looking forward to playing it soon. Game reviews could be cool. It's hard to find time to play all the games out there, but I love to hear about games folks have enjoyed.


I-FS! is great! I think game reviews focusing on the more technical side of game design would be very interesting - like how fighting games make punches feel impactful, or platformers let you jump even if you fell off a ledge a frame or two earlier. Those details are super important to game feel, and very hard to notice!


Good call! I love noticing these things and I'm always instinctively looking for them! (even when I'm just trying to have fun, it's become a bad habit :X)


Thanks! Yes, so many games, so little time! :S The reviews would probably focus on specific design elements I found particularly clever, rather than just "that game was enjoyable". :)