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Hi everyone!

I already wrote some about it in the last Weekly Recap but I still wanted to do a more detailed update about this game on the Patreon!

So this is Ninja... Attack! (again, I didn't choose  the title) and I'm going to be working on it on-and-off until mid-october. The idea for the game is that you're a ninja and you're passing some sort of test where lots of other ninjas are trying to kill you and you must kill them first. (don't think too hard about it, the gameplay is what matters here) The game is in a first-person view, with a weird sorta-bi-color (but with a texture) aesthetic, made possible through a custom shader, and you can play with just your thumb, rotating the view and shooting shurikens at enemies.

This project is actually pretty big in scope and I had to propose a lighter design before accepting. The main problem is that there's tons of graphic assets to make, in not-low-rez and that's not really something I'm used to do at all. The code side should actually be pretty alright and the overall game design is already completely set on paper. So it's really all those hi-res sprites that will take up all my time.

Luckily, I'll be able to work on my own stuff and Flying Pop-Pop happens to be all code and no graphic asset, so there's that!

But I do think that the game will be fun and that working on it will be alright!

I'll do another update where I detail the gameplay some more soon! It should be pretty good!

Thanks for reading, have a good one!



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