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It's yet another week in the indiedev life of yours truly, ready to be read by you!

So yeah, I'm launching myself into another contract with the Frosty Pops. We agreed that I would be working on some sort of flexible half-time basis, so I should still have enough time to work on other stuff. In other words, the content void that appeared during the last contract should not happen again. Besides, like last time, there will be regular patreon-exclusive updates about the game. :)

Last week I found myself not being very enthusiast about making anything at all. I'm not sure if it's just because I'm tired or it's what's happening in the world or I'm just not satisfied with what I make, but it's probably a mix of all those things. So I'd like to find exciting stuff to work on this week. I'll keep you updated about that!

Have a great week!




Keep up the good work, and don't be afraid to slow down for a while and get some rest! We all go through rougher creative periods.

Tim S

I am looking forward to seeing how the half-time contract goes. +1 To Jakub's comment. Don't beat yourself up for not being as productive as you want to be. Take care of yourself!


I'm happy you could get another contract. Feel free to take pauses or tone down your work a bit, we all need a break sometimes :)


Taking care of one's self is a way overlooked skill in gamedev isn't it? Thanks Tim, I'll try! :)