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Hi everyone!

The Doodle Insights #18 is out and they are about seeing colors as numbers! Doing so can let you do many very interesting things and that's what I'm trying to show you with this article! I hope it inspires you!

I really wanted to do the logic data generation this week but I want to talk about the wave collapse generation thing in it but I still haven't successfully implemented it myself! So I'm gonna try to do that this week and write the Doodle Insights about logic data next week!

Meanwhile, enjoy the colors as numbers!


PS: Hey Patreon changed their design! It's... ok? I dunno, I didn't have any problem with the previous design but I guess I like this one too!




Haha I'll do my best! :D

Tim S

Nice article. It would be neat to see how that normal map spritesheet looks in the editor.


Oh wow I was sure I had put it in there. There's even the blank I had left for it. D: It's fixed now, thanks for telling me :S