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Hi everyone!

The Doodle Insights #17 is up and it's a bit different than usual, as it tackles some maths conventions we take for granted!

It's all about angles and how using degrees and radians to describe them is dumb.

It was kinda difficult to write but also quite fun! I really hope you enjoy it and I'd love to have your opinion on it!

Have fun with turn-based angles!



Tim S

Great article! You make great arguments for why turns are a better unit of measurement for angles. I bet there is some trigonometric identity formula that works better with radians, but for all the normal things you use angles for turns make more sense. I think the reason 0.001 gets imprecise is that it needs a repeating fraction to represent in binary, so it gets rounded. I don't know how PICO-8 stores numbers. Maybe there are more doodles where that makes a difference and you could do a doodle insights on that? I haven't heard the term symmetric of an angle before. In my math classes that was called reflection. You reflect something to make it symmetric across a line. Not sure if that's an American thing or all English language. Computers usually use an approximation based on polynomial to calculate trigonometry. Look up "Taylor series of cosine" for a formula. The formula is somewhat nicer with the angle represented in radians, but I would not call that a great reason to use radians instead of turns.


Thank you for this very complete response! I also think that the 0.001 thing is a matter of rounding, but I think it gets rounded on the bit level, which makes it pretty unpredictable. I find it's a pretty frustrating subject myself and I generally try my best to avoid issues with this in the doodles, so I don't think I'd have much to write about haha. You're absolutely right about reflection being a better term than symmetric! I will change it in the article. English not being my first language is my excuse for that. :X That polynomial formula for simulating trigonometry is super interesting! Thank you for that!

Dave Hoffman

This is great! I always get turned around (heh) when it comes to angles. Game Maker is kind of a mess in this regard, some functions want degrees and some want radians. I should probably write some custom scripts to make my life easier and switch to turns entirely!


I've worked with GameMaker and yes it is definitely a mess with angles. Custom scripts are always a good idea! I encourage you to make the turn! ;D