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Few days ago I got a warn from Patreon administartion and they asked me to delete some posts with Silver Soul comic. So I did, and deleted all Pokemon/Nintendo related posts as well.

And from now on I decided to stop posting Pokemon/Nintendo fanart, since I simply may get banned for this.

I know that it also means I'm gonna lost about 80% of my Patrons, and that's okay - there will be no more of desired content. 

But all I want to say is a BIG HUGE THANK YOU for all years of your support with comic!

Anyway, I'll contunie posting other series of comics, and arts/PSD too! Thank you for being with me 💛



Matemi, maybe try subscribestar! They are more flexible and it works just like patreon :3 just something to keep in mind if you wanted to keep uploading this content.


We love you Matemi! Pokemon or not I will continue to support you! <3 and I know others will too!


Exodus kind of beat me to it. I was going to suggest the same thing. Really sad to hear this Matemi. Although with what's been going around on Patreon, I had the fear that it would hit you as well. >w<


I read its TOS, and seems like it's also prohibited to make money out of fanarts with copyrights :<


I’ll support you and silver anyway I can


Иногда, смотря на копирайты, я задаюсь вопросом, почему Нинтенда обращается с покемонами как со своей личной собственностью, типа Марио, ибо технически, владеть покемонами должны The Pokemon Company и студия GameFreak, а Нинтенда лишь даёт девкиты на свои консоли с лицензией на разработку и издаёт. Либо нины уже купили обе компании как дочерние, я не понимаю? Но уж лучше бы поки были публичной собственностью, нежели собственностью компании, которая хочет всё больше и больше денег, но не всех игроков поддержки заслуживает... и тем более не заслуживает поддержки художниками.


No matter what happens :3 i will stay with you


Tfw copyrights cuck harder than any porn. You've still got my support on whatever you decide to do


I'm sticking with ya. Just dropping all of a sudden wouldn't sit right with me anyway. Keep on moving forward, we're here for you.


No matter what, I'll keep supporting ya! >:3


Leave it to Nintendo to always try and screw anyone over that makes art of their stuff. But I'm staying cuz I like you art style.


What about silver soul comic series do you still continue to do it?