Sam Worshipping Lara (Animation) (Patreon)
Sam Whorship Lara FULL1.mp4 -
Sam Whorship Lara LOOP1.mp4 -
Sam Whorship Lara EXTRA1.mp4
Edit: Animation is up! I included the beginning segment looped in case anyone wanted that on it's own. I also included an extra angle that I couldn't find a place for in the full animation.
I'm going to be rendering the Lara and Nathan one next. It's going to take a few days to complete. During these times of rendering I'm unable to use my PC for other projects unfortunately. I'm still on the hunt for a GPU that can soak up some of the load so I can continue working on other stuff while animations render. When that happens you can expect a more steady output of both animations and images. Anyway, thanks and enjoy!