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Decide the fate of the first arc off-screen antagonist.  Leon Morgenson was the leader of the kid's gang that ruffed up out-of-towners for a few coppers.  Storme has had four encounters with him.  A failed shake-down where Storme took a rock to the head.  An ambush during the festival where Leon found Storme's stash of platinum on him, and his older brother, a city guard, had Leon stab Storme.  The preliminaries of the Annuals where Storme tried to kill him but instead he just almost took Leon's arm off.  And finally, Storme fought them when their two academies faced off.  Storme beat him soundly.  What to do to close out this character



Did you just dig your own grave? Lol. Go first option!!

Silver Beard

Supposed to getting control of his hormones...blood fued is hardly worth it...not this pissant


How about he gets an option to kill him but lets it go and then in the a battle does not save him from death