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Had to scrub all but the first 8 chapters of book 1.  The KU contract says I cannot post the material anywhere electronically.  On May 8th the KU contract ends and I will repost.


Michael Masters

what happened to chapter 6 ? i thought i read it here ?


It is still incomplete. I think it has 700 words or so, so about 1/3 done. I am going to edit out the last 2-3 chap for new lease on life on Tuesday. Tomorrow I will post 2 chaps of incubus life before surgery


Just the first five chapters. When I choose a story to extend I will post it and try to write to chaps a week for Patreon and post one a week to royalroad or scribble


I don’t see 6 chaps on royal road. The draft of the start of chap 6 with 500 or so words is in my scribble hub folder but not posted and not close to done

Silver Beard

Didn't see test results for affinities chapter 4. Big gap like something should appear but doesn't? Update: results showed up on RR...just not here


think i just moved it down in an edit...should've toward the end of the chapter. just seven magical affinities shown. he doesn't learn the other fourteen until much later


i changed the world mechanics a few times and I think i need to do one more edit on the story from chapter one but it should be really close now

Silver Beard

IDK why I thought it'd be other but it's jarring in the story to discover he's got super-powered affinities without the heads up Chpt 4 should have provided. You allude and reference them a lot in your round-about way... but it takes some on the context away without knowing WTF you are trying to talk about or why?

Silver Beard

Honestly a bit miffed he didn't come clean about the Bulette. Seems like he got a great deal with his current Capt. The Egg- a bribe for the noble if found alive? It's almost like you are planning a group execution which will be troublesome going forward on a lot of levels.

Silver Beard

Not sure I like where this is going. The debt he's going to create should they realize his true strength is growing nastily... Chpt 15. And the game might be up as he just stored a package that should be beyond the max.


No he only sent the gold coin. He is carrying the backpack of spinnerets. I will make that clear when I edit tomorrow

Silver Beard

Still think you playing with fire. A conscript, a mercenary, a thief- all can be expected to keep their secrets; but soldiers have to be able to trust each other. You are creating a vagabond that's going to get royally screwed if discovered. Wondering if Title needs fixing. You aren't building a Soldier... but something else.

Silver Beard

Ch 16- How did 3 Essence of his choice turn into 3 of Endurance while you said Mage Castille actually gave him 4?


I will check on the four note you mentioned. All the essence she harvested were the same essence. So there was no need to choose. Or at least that is what the mage told me


Found the four. Needs to be edited. Originally I had her give him four because he didn’t get the prize chest because the Barons son took it when it materialized on the island. But decided he was only getting three essence since they were so valuable

Silver Beard

Needs to acquire an essence collector for himself... hoping next room will divy up what he needs (esp as he's definitely going to lose his new tent with the Baron's Son being alive)


you got that right on the tent! i am hoping to get 3 chapters done in the next day and half. hopefully it will have a surprise or two

Silver Beard

ch 18... thanks for sharing. The secretive bit gits old fast. I know why you do it but it's always a 2 way sword. Cuts both ways. He's still got the 2nd Egg? Which did he really give the Baron's son? The one they 'knew' was viable or the 2nd unknown? But then what to do with it??? He needs a patron. I don't see him climbing on his own easily... not with his gift. Hard to imagine where he's not attached to another. Tricky bit getting Castille to help him without fucking him over.

Silver Beard

Needs to solidify his spot before he's taken by another royal...like that pathfinder his group knows. Royal payback could easily be by taking away a critical resource...him. Marriage? Got to be some way to string ties that can't be easily broken.


he did give him the correct egg. since his space is, in effect, a stasis, the griffin egg he kept will be fine until he needs it-whether its viable has not been answered. working on the world-building a bit. steering the plot toward the Empire not being the best place for him to reveal any exceptional powers. i like the concept of story of MC hides his true strength as he grows. i know justifying it is hard-if he revealed it then maybe he would be sent to the capital as a stud? so I will work to explain how that would not be the case. The route that the Empire kills all new arrivals from other worlds to maintain its power has been beaten to death so not sure I want to go that route (Spoiler) most of his magic sphere affinities are from his transmigration to the world....his only natural affinities are Materialism-9, Charm-5, Protection-30, Lightning-8 and Spirit-19....so he could only pass those onto his offspring

Silver Beard

At least he'll get to keep the nice tent maybe... trade his gold for a weak strength essence?

Silver Beard

Ch19- Thanks for sharing. Rough week! Still posting; tyvm. Compromise? Some happy medium his companions know he's got more than 14inches without spilling he's got 30-40 cubits? Truly needs to learn to use the Amulet soon...

Silver Beard

Hopefully Firth will come too long enough to lead him to depots he needs to 'clear out' prior to the portal

Silver Beard

Ch19- Can't help dreaming...he should make a habit of going by the bursars office and cleaning them out and/or looking for embezzled funds he can relieve them of [hidden chests, etc]. Who know's maybe there a chest filled with Essence that's 'off book' that surely nobody 'official' will miss but would benefit him quite a bit! If you are going to with the secrecy bit... might as well make the most of it


the MC has not really 'stolen' anything yet. trying to keep him somewhat moral. the griffin egg was impulsive. the dungeon scorpion loot were earned and everything else was 'reasonable'

Silver Beard

The problem will be Legionaires all drink... a lot. To keep his shit together he's going to have to avoid that...which will become a barrier or sorts to truly fitting in. IDK...him avoiding any situation where he's totally relaxed or joining the band in celebration of being alive will get noticed eventually. He obviously won't be a rookie for much longer.

Silver Beard

Maybe he can share his non-rare affinities with Castille and ask for access to spells and such. Reasonable abilities that will benefit the team...and maybe he'll get a 'bigger' book like the one the girl was using that has lots more in it....?

Steve W

21” they will be more likely to release the victim than attack the body.” …than if you attack…

Steve W (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 22:17:21 21 “The scouts find an obstacle in front of us.“ find ~> found
2023-07-07 11:25:43 21 “The scouts find an obstacle in front of us.“ find ~> found

21 “The scouts find an obstacle in front of us.“ find ~> found


Could use some more criteria than just being descended from the 500 to be a First Citizen. Everyone with European ancestry is descended from Charlemagne. In 2000 years 500 First Citizens would have 10s of millions of direct descendants if each generation only average 2 heirs decents who go on to reproduce. With the Romans crazy long lives they probably had much larger families. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/humans-are-all-more-closely-related-than-we-commonly-think/?amp=true


You are killing me here. nice article, though. i am thinking about 1% of the current population of the Telhian Empire are First Citizens---maybe 100,000 total. I will try to come up with some rationale for it---maybe inbreeding of descendants was highly encouraged---and assassination was prevalent. Just some members of the First Legion had the extended life spans and the current Emperor has a mage casting spells on him. But I can do the math --- even if only 300 of the surviving 500 First Legion had children I am looking at fifty to seventy generations---millions and the Empire only has between 10 and 12 million people (at least that is my estimate currently)


maybe First Citizens need to pay a large tithe to the Emperor to gain the status so not every descendent is granted the title

Stephen Pearson

Really enjoying your story, thanks!

Novice Reader

I wish this story was your priority it is just too good

Silver Beard

ch26...Nice he's moving on with spells; what he really needs now is a Loremaster to help him figure out that Amulet. Kinda curious that he was able to get access to the Spellbooks without anyone getting suspicious.


just spell forms - hints to imprint a lesser affinity. real spell books are much more complex as the aether constructs need to be perfect


Love the story


Thanks! I hope you like the new chapters. Working on another right now but probably won't finish till the morning

Ha dug

Honestly kinda hoping that our boy can klep an essence extracter off of the soon to be dead mage and whatever else he can get. Also am I the only one hoping that some time in the future his boss finds out about how big his room is after some life or death scenario. I just imagine him and her soloing some mage and he somehow cancels out his room and it all just comes spitting out in a guesser that somehow nocks out the mage

Silver Beard

I thought he already had his own and just didn't know how to use it. Wager he actually need to have it equipped when he makes a kill... my 2 cents

Silver Beard

@Ha dug; author already made a comment he was keeping the mc moral as long as he could. His comment to your post is sarcastic. lol

Ha dug

Could do an each of the original family’s has a certain amount of spots for 1st Citizen spots, say it depended on their ancestors status when they made the empire. So a privates family would get 15 spots, a general 150 something like that. And with politics and time killing off families maybe only around 15,000-30,000 spots are left and constantly being fought over in and outside of families


Maybe anyone born to a First Leagon is a First Citizen. Then to make new Firsts you need both of your parents to be Firsts or have a special deposition from the Emperor to new magic blood bred in.


I did I minor rewrite. You have to be born to a First Citizen and pay for the title. Like a tithe to the crown for each child. Since it is expensive only the first born is usually paid for the tithe. This allows the wealthy to have multiple first citizen children and the Emperor drain the wealth of rich families

Ha dug

Got to love when a giant humanoid acts like a humanoid and not a golem. I love the visual of this chad of a giant slide tackling a shield wall before slapping mr glory hound halfway across the crater and not being winded at all. Also I fully expect him to only be brought down by the use of the dimensional closet somehow given the wrecking ball he seems to be

Stephen Pearson

I see what you did there with the story about the potential marriage:-) 29 is a great chapter!

Silver Beard

that'd be nice but he'd have to end up last man standing to keep his secrets. More curious if the Mage will try to extract essence from the dead Legionaires once the big guy is gone. The Empire 'owns' them for 5 years... wondering if that's in death too.


I hadnt even thought about the mage taking the essence of the soldiers. chapter is half done but i am trying to finish World Sphere right now. thanks for the idea

Chong Go

I wonder if the emperor was one of the late arrivals and managed to take over from the weaker descendants? And that's why he's deep sixing any new arrivals.


no he was a descendant of the First Legion....arrivals come from all eras and that is why they are using European titles

Silver Beard

Ch 30- thx for the extra. I'm definitely on board with leaving the Empire when the opportunity presents itself. If the typical 'leader' burns 'elite soldiers' like fodder for power...he'll be lucky to finish his enlistment.


Eh, would've let the mage die and hightailed it out of there.

Stephen Pearson

Generally speaking, +1; that said, if he manages to keep Castille alive then he's in a great position to grow quickly. He not only has expert trainers and sufficient stress to keep his stats growing, but a steady stream of essences on his road to OP, and if they become close enough, he may have a fully trained battlemage teacher in the cards as well.

Thaabit Rivertree

Chp30 - wow, what a guy. Just casually sacrificing most of his men for (mostly) personal benefit. I mean, he used the collector on their corpes, which throws his motivation into question


Well we already have his motivation; selfish dick. Plans to sell all their essence for profit. Though, you would think the empire would lay claim to any of that instead of him but who knows. (Was also said to be viewed as distasteful, if not illegal)

Thaabit Rivertree

I know right? You'd think something like that would be highly illegal or at least tightly regulated. It only takes one mad fool to sacrifice hundreds to thousands of human lives purposefully just to harvest their essences and get a power up or huge profit. Sounds like this guy actually wants his men to just throw their lives away for his own benefit

Ha dug

Damn RIP archer bro, we hardly new ye…..what’s he got in his pack tho….maybe a nice bow?

Ha dug

Hey nice I was right yay, maybe he can use the essence collector on the mage and try and get something out of all this shit?


I thought about it but no he is not going to risk it. All will be revealed in next chapter...he doesn't leave empty handed

Stephen Pearson

Thanks for the weekend chapters! :-)

Stephen Pearson

I'm curious if he actually knows how to use the thing yet? Or is it just 'insert mana here while pointing'?

Chong Go

This is such a great story! Thanks for the extras!

Chong Go

It wasn't that obvious, imo. Getting the essence collector surprised me a bit, tbh. I'm not sure how often the MC can use it though; not too many times where there's no one looking.

Silver Beard

Ch 32- real karma would be using the essence collector on the dead mage; but I wager that'll get a pass this time. Ofc the siege/war coming- there might be a chance to collect from the enemy. Then there's the mage's possessions and the essence he took already from the dead legionnaires? Eryic should have some 'legit' space available as he's only carrying a fraction of the potions (and money) he usually does.

Silver Beard

Wondering- if the Gryphon Egg he took might still be viable (alive)...could he not also preserve potential essence from a corpse stored in his stassis chamber?


that is handled (essences on the mage) in the next chapter....thought about sneaking the device onto the mage but it feels a little too evil for the MC. he is going to (briefly) feel guilt for taking the essence collector after he learns how valuable it is


I am going to say yes....the essence would not leave the body if stored there. he cant store the mage as the legionarines have to bring back the corpse

Silver Beard

I was thinking raids and such along the wall or sorties; he could collect some hopefuls and then collect essence discreetly later. A path to grow without giving anything away. Still leaves the Dungeon Amulet in mystery though.

Silver Beard

Be a great way to discover spatial storage on dead combatants as it would resist being placed in his own. Who knows, maybe he'll try to bag someone important someday.

Silver Beard

"Briefly" should be an understatement after you process the essence/lives of more than 20 men, comrade in arms all...that died for Mage's conquest for power and spent them like they were nothing; and then was intending to use those same essences for personal gain.


Fit the essence collector to the inside of a shield.... collect and store immediately


Not a bad idea but them he has to carry the shield around with him. If he ever pulled it out of his dimensional space then they would know he had a bigger space than he was telling them

Silver Beard

I would think more the spectacle of the essence forming would give him away in time. Can't count on all your comrade's dying around you.

Silver Beard

Ch 33- time to break out the stamina potions...and haul ass to 'home'


If you added tags to your posts it would be a lot easier to find this instead of having to scroll down everytime btw

David Zimmerle

Your work never disappoints.


Ch. 35: Genius idea with the box. Maybe write a sentence about the box being extremely smooth and regular inside, assuming that pocket spaces are unnaturally perfect cuboids with smooth untextured walls and perfect corners. Otherwise they might have realised it is only a space within a space.


but he defines the shape when importing material....he did it with the stone cylinder. and the material is fixed in the space so does not deform

Silver Beard

Should have had 10 cleanse and 10 stamina potions left. (I know commented they should use the stamina potions; but I don't recall you actually writing that in.) Surprised he wasn't caught out with how much wealth he had...Yes, he's spent most of the extra 20g he got from the Dungeon; but not all of it. That's the kind of little slip that's going to bite if he's not more careful.


i will have to go back and check. i think they used them when they were burying the dead after the storm giant fiasco. if not i will add it in

Silver Beard

No, he couldn't have. She's given him nothing but Apex so far which is a crime for most to consume/own...and he hasn't had the time since he acquired the coordination; besides the survivors saw him consume it. He might say he sold the pillow, etc.... but then he wouldn't be able to use it (as he is right now) safely.

Silver Beard

I'm excited that he was able to limit his intake of the sand to a specific dimension. Wasn't that a huge issue before...when he was pulling stone, etc.... he kept taking in more? How much Aether did he use for the test? I have to wonder though how that translates to his Mana Shaping stat which is dismal. Imagine he could be super deadly if he could carve out slices with his space for a pittance cost.


mana shaping is primarily spell craft....for controlling aether to write spell forms and cast spells..he has zero capacity for it. the sand was not a lot of mass so was easily doable to pull in and out. aether use for moving objects in and out is mass related....if it is too big it works but he bottoms out his aether

Silver Beard

He returned the villa (didn't he just drop his armor and spears in the lobby?); "You'll be divided into the two [three] squads"; bunch of other grammar issues but any Word app will point them out.


Please please use spellchecker a little bit more. It takes away from enjoying the story.


i agree that the errors were fairly horrific. i did not do an edit read through. i apologize. reposting 37 in a minute


Or, and hear me out on this one, he wears a thin bag beneath his shirt like a necklace, then teleport the collector flat against his chest inside the bag before combat. The essences will form and stay in the bag and can be teleported back with the collector after the end of the fight. Only problem would be if the armor is a tight fit and the precision needed to not teleport a piece of his torso alongside. What do you think? :D

Silver Beard

Ch38; thanks for growth of MC. 'Lucky Striker'? best I could come up with for a nickname. He did tell the guys he was just lucky he got as many kills as he did. That or 'Lady Killer'... in part b/c of his recent grooming...and he killed at least one lady.

Silver Beard

Amulet continues to be a hot speculation; wondering if maybe it's an essence converter... add in X and you can convert it to Y...at a small loss depending on how far you go. Seems like his biggest hurdle to advance is lucking into the 'right' essences. As things are going it's a huge RNG crap shoot. An amulet that converts essence would be a game changer for him.

Silver Beard

Ch39... heart seems like a tough pill to pull; maybe he should try an eye next time. Small enough to fit into his 'official' space; melee range and the devastation/distraction would be as great as anything else... and it might cost a little less Aether being soft and squishy.


it will be the same no matter what body part. the MC is on the right track in figuring it out. it is a test of wills, the MCs space affinity score vs. the aether resistance of the target


This is bull jive. Can't open the files on my phone. Never again

Silver Beard

Your phone has a document folder somewhere; might have to search but it's there. Easy to open the document then...


Great story, thank you for writing it.

Thaabit Rivertree

Ch 47: how did she know he was an otherworlder? I didn't see anything that gave it away other than him surviving that initial earth based monster attack.


That was just the start. Lots of things made her suspicious....do you want spoilers? People hate when it write spoilers. Will be revealed in the next two chapters....probably. You can wait, right?

Thaabit Rivertree

I'd prefer no spoilers. There are a few times where I thought "ehh wouldn't someone notice that? or Question that?" But I figured it was a story and wasn't too hard on you. I do remember one time where he seemed to reveal his power and Castille could have seen it, but don't remember the specific situation. I'll just read it in the upcoming chapters. Thanks for asking first!

Thaabit Rivertree

Ahh maybe I will check that one out again... alas without a chapter number it's unlikely lol

Silver Beard

A little weird but Ch 47 isn't listed with the bulk found like the Story link?


I tried to get the soldiers life/world sphere package but it seems it gave me soldiers life and starship engineer. I like starship engineer so I’m not complaining but it is a little strange. I just hope soldiers life doesn’t get screwed up as that is the one I was most interested in.


I’m curious to see if he will meet the elf girl again. Maybe they will try and recruit him to their side somehow. That would be interesting.


Is Konstantin still going to ask him about the buried city or did I miss that somewhere? I was thinking after he got back Konstantin wanted to ask about it


it will come up later. Konstantin will talk to him privately. Konstantin was not present when he got back and the natural flow took it away. Once he learns he will pass a note to Praetorian Guard master


That makes sense. Looking forward to more chapters. Thanks!!

Nicholas Ramage

Dimensional space: Would a horse fit in there?


The discord invite for Soldiers Life no longer works


Thanks I am driving back from NY and will replenish it or whatever is needed. I will send you the new link from my phone

Milton Skipper

The sentence in chapter 84 where Castille is talking about the sisters just sounds weird when I read it. Might want to take a look at it. TYFC


Castile thought for a moment. She picked up a sheet that clearly had notes on what I earned from my harvest, “Thirty silver a week. Anything earned beyond that you can keep, Eryk.” She held up the sheet, “Your week started yesterday, and the sixteen silver coin counts. Ask the sisters where else you can sell the bounty of the woods in the city.” “How did you know about the sisters?” I asked, and Castile smirked. I just shook my head and figured she had been checking in on me with her all-seeing-eye. She probably wanted to be sure I was being honest when I turned in the coin.


Love the Soldier's life! Can't wait to see what Eryk's tale will bring now that they have a semi-permanent place to help him experience more. Love where the plot is going, and with Castile's... situation I think it'll be interesting to see how/if they decide to escape the Empire! Interested in his relationship in the future too :o Very interested! I do actually enjoy the idea of your MC having a deeper relationship, also keeping me on my toes as to who it is! Could be Castile yet could be someone else in the end... x3


Will these links be updated? Any chance of getting the page that links to the books on the collections tab? I'm a little confused at how to read what I've paid for, haha.


I guess this one is ded :sadge:


not dead but somewhat suspended...I have half of chap 6 written.