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Soldier Book 5 will begin soon for Seraphim subscribers. The last chapter (epilogue) of book 4 is still due as of 8/8/24, but it is an important chapter, so it may take more time, and I may post the first chapter of book 5 before I post that Emperor POV chapter. Seraphim supporters, look for the character POV poll for book 5, which is coming out soon. As with other polls it will 'pull' the story in that direction....you get it - poll : pull - well that is me trying to be punny



WE ARE MANY - WE ARE LEGION WE are the people who vote on polls

Da Worst John

On the poll will there be a "Random Dungeon Goblin" option?

Juarez Tavares

I thought this POV was really good, I would really like it if Maveith found the other goliaths and they stayed as a group for a while.


You know, what's running through Brutus' head right now, might be much more enlightening...kinda feel sorry for the selfish little prat.