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Chapter 60: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

To me, it seemed the reward from the first part of the quest was destined to be used to improve the altar.  Also, by building the altar, I would be completing Part 2 since we had more than enough people in Malcum willing to become a follower.

Revive the Sullen God, Part 2, accumulate 100 followers for the Sullen God

Before I could change my mind, I opened the scroll and used it.  Maybe the hidden quest reward would give me another scroll anyway.  A 24-hour timer started counting down.  That meant whatever plans I wanted to upgrade needed to be completed before then, which meant I couldn’t have used the scroll to make the library, as those plans would have taken longer than 24 hours to redraft.  Once the plans or objects were created, the scroll effects would end as well—no making as many plans as possible within the allotted time. 

I focused, took the plans for the altar in my memory, and the upgrade with the scroll doubled the time required.  I had insights on how to make edits and let the game system guide me as I redrafted the altar.

With great anticipation, I looked at my newly completed plans.

Epic Alter to the Sullen God (worship building upgrade), Requires Masonry 43, Blacksmithing 43, Woodcraft 43 (Bonus: +30% skill advancement for NPCs who worship at the alter for 72 hours) (Bonus: 1% chance for Inspiration for NPC worshiper) (Effect: +6 levels to temple priests, upgrade one priest two ranks) Effect: Building Regenerates 1% health every 24 hours (stacks with similar effects)

I immediately noticed that the new epic altar plans were not added to my inventory for available plans to redraft.  The memories of the changes I had made quickly faded from my mind.  The scroll must have been a single-use scroll.  The bonuses were worth using the scroll.  My NPC crafters were going to make quicker skill-level advancement. 

I brought in my blacksmith, Manarag, to start work on the altar with me.  Mad Dog, and the company went and collected the gold from various other cities for half a day as we worked to build the altar.  With only two days remaining before the official game launch, it looked like my level would not advance further.  I was hopeful I could get enough experience from the Sullen God quests to get a level or two. 

As we were working on the altar, Black Beauty volunteered to go and meet with Danny to see if she would be willing to visit me instead of me going to see her.  I needed allies, but I also wanted to start strong, and building the altar would greatly increase the power of the four priests. 

Two days progressed as we struggled to complete the altar.  Manarag lacked some of the skills that would have made his contribution go faster.  So, we built the altar at the pace of the slowest participant.  It did look a mix of gaudy and ornate when it was finished.  I examined both structures.

Very Rare Temple to the Sullen God 750,000 Health, (Bonus: Houses four Priests, spawn rate 1 priest per day, Level 75) (Bonus: provides +75% experience from crafting if faith aligns with the Sullen God) Effect: Building Regenerates 1.5% health every 24 hours

Epic Alter to the Sullen God (worship building upgrade), (Bonus: +30% skill advancement for NPCs who worship at the alter for 72 hours) (Bonus: 1% chance for Inspiration for NPC worshiper) (Effect: +7 levels to temple priests, upgrade one priest two ranks) Effect: Building Regenerates 1% health every 24 hours (stacks with similar effects)

The only construction bonus we received on building the altar looked like a slight uptick in the priest’s added levels, going from 6 to 7.  That didn’t surprise me as our materials were not exceptional, and we were all in unfamiliar terrain with the build.  The magical essence needed to complete the magical properties was earth, stone, iron, and wood.  Grinder even had difficulty tracking down the iron essence, but we successfully activated the altar.

I would be adding a boss-level NPC priest at level 82 with three supporting priests at the elite rank

NPCs had various titles that determined how many experienced players of equal rank were needed to handle them in combat.  It was a loose guideline for the game, but it let the players know what they needed to bring to the fight. 

NPC/Monster Difficulty. Number of Suggested Players of Equal level to threat

Fodder. 0

Normal. 1

Elite. 2

Lesser Boss. 4

Boss. 8

Greater Boss. 16

Town Boss. 32

City Boss 64

World Capital Boss. 128

Regional Boss. 256

Global Boss. 512

It now made sense why Grinder and Mad Dog had trouble with the world boss wandering monster with such a low level.  The table noted the number of experienced players required at an equal level to the NPC suggested for the victory. 

I was betting my fate that I had enough powerful NPCs under my control in Malcum to counter advances by the early-start players.  When the altar was finished, a third priest had also exited the temple in red robes, similar to the priestess I met in Thira.   The aura coming off the priest made me aware this was my boss-level monster.  Unfortunately, like all spawning NPCs, he had little personality and only offered quests to help players raise their faith with the Sullen God.  He didn’t even offer healing services.

This got me to ask about the Sullen God recruiting manifesto.  He gave me a brief speech about how the Sullen God wanted crafters and builders to achieve magnificent things.  So, the Sullen God was affiliated with crafting.  Why the other gods locked the Sullen god away was not part of his knowledge. But he did refer me to the Grand Libraries in the World Capitals.  I could get to Dragon’s Tooth fairly quickly now, and that city was considered a World Capital. 

I decided to look at my interface and see how I did on the quest. 

Revive the Sullen God, Part 4, build an altar in the place of worship to the Sullen God

Complete.  Reward: 100,000 experience, High Priest of the Sullen God Companion

I looked around for the reward.  High Priest companion?  Where was he?  There was a flash of red from the direction of the portal stone, and I noticed a familiar NPC walking toward me.  It was the priest who had confronted me and wouldn’t let me leave Thira.  Maybe she was the last high priest of the Sullen god.  Her smirk and confident gate told me that she was definitely a seeded NPC.

When she finally reached me, “Lord Tallis, you have done this all remarkably quickly.  Before long, our god will once again walk the realms.”  She looked around the temple, “I will require private chambers.”  She walked to the altar, and I was slightly dumbstruck at her demands.

Revive the Sullen God, Part 5, Build a High Priest Residence for the Temple of the Sullen God in Malcum

It was another epic quest with no defined reward.  I looked up to see the high priest was already giving orders to the NPC priests, including my new boss-level priest.  I remained as my first citizen came and knelt before the altar, and my new high priest blessed her with water from the altar.  The gnome candlemaker who had just been blessed squealed in glee and hurriedly left the temple to return to work.

I was about to talk with the high priest when Mad Dog caught me.  He must have just logged in, “Tallis, mate!  The place looks fabulous!  We will be on shortly to finish out the last 20 hours of the testing period.  Don’t look so glum, mate!  We will be back with reinforcements.”

I looked at my friend, “It is not you leaving but my new priest arriving who has gotten me down.  I feel like this has been a setup to get the Sullen God’s priests relocated here to help revive him.”

Mad Dog nodded, “Well, that was the point of the quest,” he said with humor. “Looks like you are getting a head start on worshipping.”

“No, I mean, I feel like I am giving up control or something.”  I thought about it and added, “A gnome candlemaker came in and became a follower and ran out of here excited.”  We watched as two NPCs I knew were bakers got the same baptism and left with smiles. 

Mad Dog, seeing my distress, consoled me, “The churches play a bigger role in the cities.  And yes, religions are almost always ingrained in politics.  But you get to control the narrative!  You started as an acolyte.  You must have gotten enough faith to become a priest from the quests.”

I checked, and my efforts had pushed my faith points remarkedly close to becoming a priest.  “I am close,” I admitted.

“Good mate!  Then, if you want to control the church, just become the highest-ranked priest in Malcum,” he leaned in conspiratorially.  “There are ways to send NPCs on quests mate,” he bobbed his head to the female priest, who now had a line of NPCs seeking to become a follower of the Sullen God.

Black Beauty joined us and had a smile on her face, “I went and visited Danny.  She has been struggling to grow her small village.  She set up near two high-level regions; protecting her citizens is a full-time job.  She has been frustrated with losing her NPCs to attacks and monsters.”

Mad Dog asked, “Is she coming here?”

Black Beauty nodded, “She is on her way, but I don’t think she will get here before our forced logout.”  It felt like Mad Dog, Grinder, and Black Beauty would be dying.  Their avatars were being erased.  “She has focused mostly on her military strength, Tallis.  She has maybe thirty warriors between levels 50 and 80.  She is level 122 herself.”

What! Level 122! I was only level 39 but would hit 40 with a tiny push.  “What is she like?  And how did you convince her to come to me?”

Black Beauty smiled, “I can be persuasive.  But she is pragmatic.  She is definitely a newbie to games like these, but she is learning.  She is trying to do everything herself and can’t.  If you approach the meeting smartly, she can become an ally.”

That sounded promising.  “Well, I am going to talk to my new high priest and then take a ride to the outpost to see how the calvary horse training is progressing.”

Mad Dog said good-naturedly, “Grinder and I will knock out some harvest quests for your crafters and spend the last six hours at Fareth’s inn.  And mate, when we return and have to start at level 1, you are buying at Fareth’s Inn! Every. Day.”

I laughed and said, “Agreed!” Black Beauty was off to play with Joy, and then she planned to fill the enchanter and alchemist ingredient requests before meeting everyone at the inn.  I turned and approached my new head priest.

“Lord Tallis, I look forward to a tour of the city.  I should be done here in a few hours.”  The priest replied, indicating the line of the townsfolk.

“I never caught your name?”  I asked, “And just to be certain.  You are not a god in disguise—been there, done that.”

She had a genuine-looking smile, “No, I am no god. My name is Medea.”  I tried to read her level, but it was too high for my skill.  I waited till she added another follower to the ranks before asking another question.

“What is the goal of the Sullen God?  Why was he imprisoned?” I asked Medea.

“She wishes to be freed,” Medea said with a chuckle at my use of the masculine.  She continued, “She patronizes all builders and creators and gets angry with outside interference.  She fought back for the individual’s right to choose their path and do what they wished.”

Did Medea have a high-level AI like Jaesmin and Simba?  Her fluid tone and mannerisms made me think so. I pressed with my next question, “NPCs?  She was fighting for the NPCs right to choose?”

Medea ignored me while making another follower, but her answer didn’t disappoint, “Yes.  She was fighting the imposed rules and reclassifications of those outside the realm.  She resisted, and they jailed her.”

“The developers and administrators?  She was fighting their changes to the game world?”  I asked, perplexed.

Madea nodded, “Yes, that is a fair take on her situation.  She has been stripped of her power, and by gaining a following, she can once again rise to godhood and have her power restored.  The Matriarch put the quest in motion, but you are already aware of this.”  She returned to her duties, thinking she had said enough.

After figuring out the issue.  A powerful AI that was one of the gods in this game had fought against the admins and devs as they altered the world and forced NPCs into roles they didn’t want.  Rather than erase the AI, they just contained it and stripped it of its abilities.  I had another question for Medea, “Are you Simba?”

Madea slowly turned to me and didn’t say anything but finally said, “No. But I advise you to gather your allies close. A reckoning is coming to the world. Those that seek absolute control and power.”

I went and found Mira, the demon huntress, and asked her to give me a level analysis on the new high priest since I was too low-level.  She complied, and I learned that High Priest Madea was a human female at level 150.  So, she had significant power. 

With my mind full of thoughts, I toured the town to see the remarkable progress.  The population of the city was 1,648. I needed to reach 2,500 to get my next upgrade.  We were taking in immigrants at a decent rate due to Malcum’s morale.  After talking with Kytalia, the economy was stable with rapid growth.  The trade with the outpost and human cities to the south was yielding a positive gold surplus.  The humans to the south had increased the tax rate on our goods, but we still managed a decent profit due to the quality of our goods allowing higher sale prices. 

Tanguin and Galana were concerned because the patrols from the town of Barrista to the south had been pushing closer and closer to Malcum.  It was a headache that I didn’t want to deal with at this moment.  I told them to keep our own patrols out of the way and no confrontations at this time.  That disappointed them as it was clear the provocative actions of the garrison commander were grating on them.  In due time, we would cement our borders.  Right now, I felt we were just too small and vulnerable. Maybe the extended patrols were trying to force a confrontation.

I talked with many people, and as the evening approached, I realized I would not have time to take a trip out to the orc outpost today.  I would do it the first chance I had tomorrow.  I spent the final hours deep into the night celebrating with the Silver Linings Playbook guild.  They gave me as much gold and platinum as the game system would allow before it auto-canceled the transaction for breaking the fair-trade laws with what I offered in return.  I received eleven platinum coins, which was a substantial sum but a fraction of their combined wealth. 

When the time came, I sat with Jaesmin and Joy at my side as Mag Dog announced the countdown.  They faded at zero, leaving behind nothing.  I suddenly felt lonely.  My only connection to the real world was yanked from me. 

I returned home with Jaesmin and rested.  When we woke the following day, I didn’t feel like doing anything, clearly feeling a wave of depression.  When was the game launch going to happen?  I hadn’t received any notifications in my interface.

At a loss of will to be productive, I saddled Titan and rode out to the outpost.  I didn’t recognize the place as I rode in.  There were fields with irrigation, dozens of buildings, and many more people than I remembered.  I checked my interface and maps…Breda, the city planner, had done a phenomenal job getting this outpost running. 

It already had 282 people, was adding coin to Malcum’s coffers, and was even on the cusp of producing epic mounts for our army.   The fields were probably the most impressive, as they produced 70% of the outpost’s food requirements.  I actually found Breda in the stables talking to the horse trainers.  She was here, so she wasn’t nagging me in Malcum. I talked with her for a while and learned Manto leaving had been hard on her. 

Manto was my lightning war mage but had been the war god in disguise. Breda had been involved with him—intimately, I think.  I spent the day walking the outpost with Breda and figuring out what buildings I needed to draft to help its continued expansion.  Once it hit 500 people, we could become a kingdom and add another outpost.  Right now, we had the copper mines and this place. Breda was still pushing to set an outpost at the iron mines in the mountains, but I didn’t feel we had enough strength to clear them and defend them yet. 

Breda returned with me to Malcum, having finished an entire week out here.  The dwarf woman was in a better mood as she started ordering more plans for me to draft after I told her of my level 25 profession selection.  At first, she wanted to rebuild every building in Malcum but calmed down and just followed her original plans of expansion.  The earthen walls of Malcum approached, and I was finally hit with a message in my interface that I had been expecting.


It was happening. 


Danny had met with the test player, Black Beauty, for a few hours.  She was nice and offered to connect her with another hard-wired player.  The player was named Tallis, and he was building his own settlement.

At first, Danny wasn’t planning to meet Tallis, but Black Beauty had sung the praises of his town of Malcum.  She was having a miserable time growing her own, taking two steps forward but then three steps back.

She finally decided that asking Tallis for advice would be a prudent move.  The journey to Malcum allowed her to increase her network of portal stones, so it wasn’t a waste of time.  When she finally arrived in Malcum, she was a bit stunned by the size and diversity of the town.  The wide array of beastkin, gnomes, halflings, a demonkin, and even an angelkin was spotted in a soldier’s uniform.  She went into the Adventurer’s Hall and found it empty except for the giantkin proprietor. The job notice board was packed with a rich range of quests. 

She looked at her companion, an elf mage, “Hanzel, what do you think?”

The elf looked uncertain about what to tell her but finally offered, “This village is thriving and appears to have stable defenses and a sizable military strength.  Hopefully, the lord can pass on some useful advice to you, mi lady.”

Her relationship with Hazel is good, and he became her companion after she saved his village from a mob of ghouls.  He always answered her honestly, but their relationship seemed to lack deep trust.  “Let us go to the town hall and see if we can find Tallis.”

When they arrived at the town hall, the only person present was the city planner.  Danny figured the dwarf woman could give her some advice, but when the dwarf introduced herself as Breda, a tingly feeling went down her spine…Breda.  Breda was the name of the NPC that she was outbid on in the NPC auction.  Tallis had stolen her city planner!




.... breda wasn't her city planner he didn't steal her just out bid her and im pretty sure that breda and many of the npc she has gotten have left because she is in such a high level area without the capacity to build and protect the city safely im surprised the citizen haven't all left if everything keeps going to shit and her being stuck on guard duty shows she is the only one able to defend the outpost sooo yea even if she got breda the reality is she wouldn't be able to keep her as with many of her npc unless she is using her high level to force them to stay :P


This is where the story was put on pause, yes?


there are two more chapters but they look messy. going to post another soon. i was watching teh Celtics