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tables so just word doc and pdf



Dont know if you did the math level 4 quests take 1 day to get highest rank you need to do 1000 level 4 quests. So if we are nice it takes 2000 days to do level 1-4 quests the min another 2000 for the 5-6 tier quests. 4000 days withonly doing quests that is 11 years just questing. For an actual irl job no problem for an game? That is how you lose players when they see just how much grind there is.


Hm at this point in time isn't his town farming those cats for the xp and loot? So in a way the guild is paying adventurers for those gods then paying the town an 10% tax on the transaction. Depending on the quests these halls can destroy the local economy by removing local raw resource production. Yes you kill of monsters, but also the production chain.


I did. Time dilation in game plus the number of active quests increases so they could have 12 active quests at tier 6