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So, the next spell form the MC is going to learn is from the Earth Affinity. Before the end of book 3 he is going to review his 12 options. I am taking ideas

Earth Affinity Lesser Spell Forms (10-25)

(10) Shape Stone - Maveith's ability

(10) Imbue Glowstone - Create a temporary glow stone

(20) Locate Stone/Metal - find precious stones/metals at range

(20) Earth Speak - feel the vibrations in the earth and interpret it

(25) Earth Glide - increase movement over stone and earth

(25) Shatter - magnify faults in stone and morter to destroy walls

Earth Affinity Major Spell Forms (25-40)

(30) Stoneskin - Ability Boris has (Duchess Veronica's brother)




Earth Apex Major Spell Forms (40-70)

(50) Manipulate Earth - a move earth spell for creating fortifications

(60) Earth to Stone - compresses Earth to Stone

(70) Earthquake - shake things up

(70) Flesh to Stone - permanent

(70) Quicksand/Liquify Earth - create an area where objects can submerge in earth

Dont get too excited though. most likely the MC is going to get to around 25 affinity before imprinting something - something useful


Dallen Arny

Stone shaping is the best one. He has more aether so he will be able to shape more things than Maiveth. Not to mention that if he ever learns runes, he will be able to create permanent arrays. He can make his own furniture, food storage, buildings, weapons, casting molds, chains, manacles, baths, seal cracks, etc … Stone is everywhere, super durable, and with a little creativity and a lot of time he could craft anything with just his hands.


Locate stone/metal is my favourite but would only really be useful once he is established outside the empire. Tremor sense would be useful as a scout depending on his affinity/range. Stone shape is probably the best for story writing opportunities.

Victor Skaarup

My guess is none of the above. MC will find a spell form that allows him to work with metal. Based on guess that as he imprints more spell forms on his growing number of affinities, he will develop skills in working more extensively with runes.