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A new video has been added to the December Dropbox folder! Titled "3. Open Side Dress"

We've mentioned a few times in the past how we have a hard time capturing the commotion and swarm of employees we cause sometimes. We see and hear things that the camera has a hard time catching. In this episode Ryan, my husband, walks away from us to try and get a better perspective on the type of reactions we usually miss out on. Even still so much was missed but this video definitely gives a better idea of what we mean when we say we get employees following and circling and chattering.

A sweet woman gave me a nice compliment for this dress and I think a lot of guys appreciated it, too. A couple of women didn't think I have respect for myself. lol. One guy referred to my "fan from reddit" as a chihuahua for some reason lol. Oh well. Can't win em all.




Merry Christmas!!!!!


This was fantastic!!!!! I FINALLY got some time to watch it!!! :)

Theo C

Non of these videos are on the Dropbox