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A new video has been added to your February Dropbox folder! Titled "2. Zipper Dress"

I'm excited for tomorrow (Thursday). It's a random warm day in winter so I'll be able to go out and wear something smaller.

I'm sorry about the monotony of continually going shopping in these winter videos. It's more difficult when taping outside is a challenge with the cold weather. I've tried doing activities like bowling but every time the places are packed with children so I walk right back out. Any ideas for winter? 




Great video! Love how that dress zips at both ends. :) Thanks for sharing!!!


Love these vids!!!


Several good location ideas from your fans already. Had another idea after sending earlier message with a few suggestions. After choosing a viable venue, include behind-the-scene (BTS) prep shoot (discussing concept, planning, recon to check for security cameras, trying on clothing options, etc), add running commentary during shoot in post-production, and including post-shoot


Post-shoot might highlight all the work Ryan does to make the 'talent' look good (as if you need help to look great)


These are all great suggestions. Can I add a bar or a night club? Still hoping for another pick a random guy and kiss him video!

Josh Logan

You guys have to take a warm weather trip each winter to shoot content. Like Miami or SoCal. Both have great beaches and locations for shooting. I can't offer any Miami help but I live on the beach in OC and can definitely show you guys around. No charge of course lol:)

David Brown

Haulover Beach in South Beach is a nude beach, That'd be a great place or

David Brown

even South Beach itself. \


unfortunately, traveling isn't a possibility for us. But we will try to shoot as much as possible when the weather is warmer


oh no-I'm well aware that the videos would be terrible without the editing. There's no question about that. Doing a behind-the-scenes would be a good idea though.

Frank Perez

Can you do comic con, in cosplay as Wonder Woman pls?


:) This is something we're trying to figure out. The random guy thing might not happen again. It's just so hard to video inside because it's so dark


Simply on that occasion you chose a blind boy, because I don't understand how he could reject you if his eyesight was in good condition...


Maybe you can do a ,,get a order video like Jenny Smith or something like her to Theater videos where she cut her clothes and repair them a bit so she can come outside and home again. Her er a short video link of what I'm thinking. https://www.xvideos.com/video53158211/gehackt_jeny_smith_wird_befohlen_ihre_kleider_im_theater_zu_schneiden

Josh Logan

If you guys have any adult theaters or bookstores with arcades and/or gloryholes that would be HOT!!! And those places love it when a hot girl comes in naked or hald naked lol.

Josh Logan

I wasn't suggesting doing anything H/C just walking around naked:)


Surely a library video would be good? Ideally somewhere where you can get completely naked, even though you're not supposed to get naked in them places ;).


I miss the Q&A videos. I'm guessing you have amassed a bunch of Q's since your last one, so potentially a lot of material to work with. Maybe you can combine the Q&A with a new video - it's always nice to hear your voice in addition to seeing you :) Amanda driving naked in the car (or even lounging in a parking lot) while doing Q&A would certainly fit the bill for me...