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Good Thursday morning, everyone

I apologize for the delay in posts. We’ve had some life happenings (moving unexpectedly, than multiple members of our family being and getting sick). And these things have impacted our ability to post quality content.

There are two videos, unedited, that are solo-but Ryan was hoping to wait to post those because they’re not as public/reaction-based as we normally post.

Many of you have messaged me to check to make sure I’m okay. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. You are all so kind and understanding.

And please let me know (either in this comment thread or messaging directly) if the solo, albeit slightly boring, videos are desirable and something you’d like posted sooner rather than later.



JB Stryker

Life gets in the way of fun sometimes. 🫤 I also like the solo stuff, although I gotta admit it makes me nervous sometimes watching it and knowing you don't have someone "watching your six". Kind of irrational, I know. I'd also be in favor of posts from the archives (i.e. pre-boob job), if you have some edited and ready to go.


I wouldn’t mind seeing any content you post regardless of how you feel about it


Video you do at home alone are just as good as the rest 🤙


So what do you wear when packing the house for moving? I am an old guy, so jeans and a T-shirt are my work clothes for packing boxes, along with tools for taking tables apart and dismantling things after 20 years in one spot, but what about when YOU?


Glad to hear you are doing well, but sorry to hear about the sickness. Hopefully the move is a good/exciting thing! I think we’d all gladly accept whatever content you have 😉


The main thing is you’re okay. I’m inclined to say better to post something than nothing but ultimately that choice is yours based on your circumstances.


Glad you are doing well. And to your question: ALL of you is fantastic! There is nothing boring! :-) But if you are only with a coat in a store and take off the coat completely... that is of course my personal highlight! ;-)

Myra Ulricben

Sooo glad that you are doing well!!! Take care of you! Any content with you in it is spectacular!!!


Post a video when you are satisfied with the result, then we have to wait a little longer.


This time it was not moving entirely-but relocating temporarily. So more like…packing for a vacation 😂 But an unintended one


You are all awesome. Thank you so much for your kindness…and patience!


a bit late to the conversation, but I enjoy your solo videos. I imagine they are a challenge to plan and execute to your expectations. Be safe, hope all is well.