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The second part of the maroon video has been added to your June Dropbox folder! Titled "2. Maroon Pt. 2"

In this outing I added double sided tape to the top portion because it's too windy and this town is very against the female nipple. You can probably tell but this "outfit" is just an old cut up tee shirt. :)



Austin Johnson

Very very beautiful very very sexy and everything else done it really is beautiful perfect and sexy most of all


Do you habitually go to places you're familiar with where you're already aware of the various laws, or do you find places you'd like to go and research how they feel about public nudity?


Really imaginative. I could have just watched number 1 and gotten the same effect.


Any place around us-nudity is not allowed at all. Because of time constraints, we’re usually limited to places we’re familiar with. On days when we don’t have enough time, though, we might go to an area to see what it’s like


Awesome!!!! Absolutely loved it!!!!!


Speaking for all the guys reviewing these missives, our old T-shirts never looked this good on us, even when they were new. Of course, that might be because I am old, grey, bald, with a beard. Even built like Tarzan, I could never look as good as Amanda. But then, I am a guy, I do not want to look as good as Amanda!

Michael Powell

There are actually a lot of places that are much friendlier to nudity. Many cities, such as NYC, allow female toplessness. San Francisco is even more permissive, requiring only minimal covering the genitals, and even that only since like 2014 or so when they passed their first anti-nudity law. Many states (including CA, where I am) have no state-wide laws about nudity, leaving it local governments, and a lot of local governments have never bothered to make such laws, because it just hasn't come up. If you're actually interested in being more naked, legally, in more places, it's worth researching. You might be surprised what you find!

Michael Powell

Wow, this was even sexier than the last one! I hadn't thought the butt shots would be that great, but I hadn't anticipated the extent to which it was just barely wide enough and almost falling off in the back! Also, the final shot where you leaned over in front of your car was amazing. How long had you gone without the pussy tape?


I don’t disagree with you. But I’m in no position to just up and move. Or travel, for that matter. I have researched areas around me, And it’s extremely limited. Even NYC is more than a day’s trip

Michael Powell

That's fair. FWIW, I was only imagining short travel, not moving. But depending on your circumstances even the 4 hour drive to NYC might be out of reach.