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Here is your Dropbox link and password for March. This link expires after April 5th.


password: vidmar




Link still is old one?


Hey, Casey. I just created this link and works on my end. What are you seeing on your end?


I open the new link, type in the vidmar password and it pops up the old link with August through February in it


That because she hasn't posted any videos in March yet. When she does there will be a March folder.


That's great. That means it works! :) You're able to view the videos. If you're wondering why there's no March folder that's just because I haven't created it yet. I'm still busy editing the q&a video and the other video :) Those will be coming shortly. My idea for the q&a video turned out to take me way longer to make than I had expected. lol


The link doesn't work


hey hope everything ok? long time no vid


Thank you for answering all those questions. Definitely was intrigued by whatever happened in December and the scary situations with people following you. My girlfriend and I have watched most of your videos and have done some copycat videos for our own personal enjoyment. We definitely have to do lots of reconnaissance and survey the areas we are filming at. Would love some personal advice for what you look out for and how to stay a step ahead.