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A new video has been added to your February Dropbox folder! Titled "6. Recognized"

Here is the video of me being recognized. I am officially a celebrity lol. I hope you enjoy this video. It's a little different from any video I've made so far with having some commentary. I felt like some things needed a bit more explaining and context. :)




I’m a little surprised you haven’t been recognized before since your videos are widely available on other sites. Still it must be a shock and a thrill to realize you’ve been seen and recognized. Sounds like he was respectful.

Frank Perez

how did you feel when he said that he recognized you?


I bet that got the ol' blood pumping. Better than any cup of coffee B&N can serve up. :D You looked like you weren't interested in engaging or even acknowledging him initially. Was that just down to the initial shock and because it was the first time ever? Is that the correct way to approach you? Say hi, mention you're a fan, then back off til you can process what's going on?


Honestly, when we’re in film mode, I have tunnel vision for what we’re doing. And I did not realize what he said at first. So after a few recent incidents-i was ignoring him until my husband let me know what was going on.


As I indicated, I recognized the areas of your earlier shoots, and I'm far enough away that it's unlikely we'd cross paths like that, though I am close enough that I can fantasize about it. And probably "Hi, Amanda," is about all I can imagine saying. hehehe


love the audio commentary of what you're thinking and seeing while filming, would be great to have that in some future videos too!

Michael Powell

Glad he was respectful, and it sounds like you enjoyed the interaction! This seems like the best kind of "getting caught". Still a surprise and thrill, but the person is entirely in on it and there's no trouble.


Interesting video! The protocol of interacting with someone you recognize is interesting. Do you approach outright? Do you stay away entirely? Do you acknowledge from a distance (give a nod or "heads-up" or something)? On the flip side, talk about "winning the lottery"! lol Of all the people in your area, the two of you happened to be at the exact same spot at the exact same time you decided to shoot content. I'm certainly glad things ended up going smoothly. :) If I had been that guy, I probably would have approached your husband first and let him know I recognized you and go from there. Anyway, thanks for sharing! Loved the commentary!


Any videos coming? Been a bit


Love it! Your fan was so cool about it in his casual approach. Good for him and for you guys too. That shot of you posing with your back to the camera, in only boots, thong and jacket with so many people just around the end of the aisle was a masterpiece!!! Oh, and your added commentary adds even more entertainment to the video. You have a great voice.


I wonder how he felt for minutes before when he thought he knew who we were but wasn’t sure. He strolled around multiple times.