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To Patreon: I believe/hope I got ride of the problematic leg spreading. If not I truly plead ignorance and am not trying to step over any lines. Please don't ban me. Thank you for just the warning :)

This video has been added to your October Dropbox folder! Titled "3. Naked in the backseat"

This clip is a little cursed. lol. I started off using the GoPro camera but the battery died and the backup battery was also too low. Then we switched to the Insta 360 Go 2 camera which then overheated and shut off. (I don't recommend that camera for anything more than little clips due to the overheating issue) Then it turned out I was too graphic in the video for Patreon! Oh dear. Definitely a learning experience and onto the next video. :)




Thank you love. That’s crazy how they can dictate what you put on to Dropbox from here thou🤔


I fully agree, Dropbox is a completely different platform.. if they were mad about the gif that went along with the post, I could understand, but they in no way should have the right to dictate what goes in a Dropbox account.


Yea forreal💯 Either way vid still came out good…Just gotta be in their restrictions I guess…Let’s see how things go from here on out thou🙏🏾


Anyway to see the original?

Doctor P

Can you imaging having a job at Patreon doing this. You tell your friends, "yes i got this killer job right out of college in high tech, I watch videos for accidental leg spreads, and i get paid for it!" lol.


damn it my perverted ass missed the leg spreading


There's an entire documentary - called "Terms and Services May Apply" all about what happens when you click "I agree". AMWednesday is doing the right thing, playing by their rules. If she tries to go off the rails, they take her page down, and none of this exists anymore. I've learned be happy with what you get, not what you don't.


Exactly☝🏾💯 Just enjoy while u can…regardless these videos will still satisfy some people who give it shot

Chris Black

Dropbox is it's own different thing. That's weird that they can do that. I wonder if there's some type of partnership


This video is still amazing. Love u and please keep the amazing work going