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Disclaimer : Sorry, I can't show you a sample here.
Warning! : Gross content, don't read while you are eating, before or after.

This morning when I'm working around cleaning my yard I remembered something - that Japanese comic industry (or anime) - isn't the thing we see it today. Where big tiddies and butt girls can be seen everywhere.

To be honest, anime used not to be all about anime girls. The artists used to be really skilled and respected by many people. They can do what the actual artist do or suppose to do and draw an actually good comic or manga. Some are considered as a masterpiece. Anime girls are considering rare in this old time. Are there fan service back then? Yes, but uncommon.

So, what's happened today? Are they all died out, left only bad one? No, many still exist today, but the regulation of artwork and manga in Internet did not support them. There are other faction as well, such as politics, economics, publisher policy, etc. But today I will talk about two obscure reason of all,

Shit... literally... shit. A pile of poo to be exact.

And peepee. Not an adult but young one in a comedic way.

Yes, many artist are very skilled and talented. Their mangas are very genuine, funny and artistic, but they have one strange habit of drawing a pile of poo (literally) regularly - some are very detailed! Many websites can't allow that, of course. Not even talk about peepee of children - even it's more than funny than sexual, but I know nobody is gonna go for that.

But boobs and nipples are allowed, of course. Sex is a part of human life anyway. Just put a big sticker of (+18) and children are just simply not touch that! Well, at least it's better than ban them out right...

So, if you wonder why anime girls is dominating many parts of internet. Maybe it's better in this way than have them dominated by... well, I donno. I can't judge people on that, you know, but I know nobody is going to like people post a pile of poo and peepee everywhere for sure.


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