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Hello everyone. I haven't written anything for so long because I realized that the only thing you are waiting for from me is a new update.

However, it's already January 16th, and I don't want you to think that I've given up or forgotten about it or anything like that. I'm working on the update. From my last post until today, I probably didn't do much else. It's a pity that I can't always work in the mode I am in right now.

The update is almost ready, but there's always something that needs to be redone, and this particular update I've completely redone several times. I don't want to reveal all the cards just yet, but what you will see wasn't planned. The number of scenes you will see also wasn't initially planned. As always, this is a very bad trait of mine, probably, there will be too little gameplay time between scenes. I myself consider this a bad skill for a developer, but it turned out as it did, and it makes no sense to drag out the plot at this stage.

I wanted to write a New Year's post, summarize some results, tell you what we plan, but when I reread what I had written, it seemed like just another whining, and I deleted everything. I probably do this too often.

In short, throughout the past year, I tried to assemble at least a small team, with which it would be possible to greatly increase productivity and start delivering content much faster. So far, I haven't succeeded. I hired one person after another, spent a lot of time explaining things, and in the end, the person either dropped out or did some nonsense. It turned out that managing someone else's work is another separate job that diverts attention.

Honestly, so far I can't say that it was worth doing, as the result is still disappointing. I would have done everything much better and faster myself if I hadn't spent all this time and just did everything myself. Maybe it's really worth doing just that and trying to expand the team only when one of the projects really takes off, and then it will be possible to just hire cool specialists for good money.

By the way, do you see any spoilers in this animation?



Armando Aparicio Rivero

hola , una duda -no puedo jugar porque la aplicación siempre que trato abrir el juego me lo abre minimizado y no puedo expandir la pantalla por que no sirve el icono de maximizar

César Romero Parra

Amigo, esos temas de bugs se hablan en el discord. Aquí la mayoría comenta sobre los estados y avances/actualizaciones del juego. Te recomendaría preguntar en la parte de bugs del discord.(OJO es poco probable que te respondan en español, hay 2 canales: uno de inglés y otro de ruso). Nada del otro mundo si puedes usar el traductor


Good things take time and I don't care if I have to wait 2 or 3 more months to get the game, just take the time you need to fulfill your expectations and your vision for the game, this game is amazing, just keep working hard and good things will happen😁👍