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Hello everyone. I'm afraid to recall since what year I've been working on Patreon. For a long time, I considered this occupation as unserious and temporary, but as of today, I've been making games for longer than I've ever worked or studied at university for a "real" job. Over this time, I've developed a tradition...

Each time I forget that for most of you, the end of the year is more about Christmas than the New Year, and "gifts" should be ready by the 25th, not the 31st T_T

I know what the best "gift" would be, but unfortunately, I think that even if I find the strength to be in absolute focus all these days, I still won't be able to finish version 0.95 even by the 31st -_-

There are many reasons for this delay, and I don't want to whine again, and I'm disgusted to read my own excuses, but this time I had to redo things several times, I think you will notice it. Initially, I wanted to do a significant part through text quests, like what you saw in the raids, you might have seen spoilers of some rectangular arts about the clown branch, we had to redraw it completely. Right now, Nash is redrawing the final boss room because, in the end, what we got played too strangely/uncomfortably T_T


Nevertheless, everything is 95% ready, I think we should be able to finish everything in January.

But we have to prepare something, right? Therefore, I can't guarantee the exact dates when we will make each of these things, but approximately December-January.

We'll update the MLA Rework teaser (we've finished the characters, I'll add them, without the plot).

Magic Lessons Runnable spoiler (we received the dueling mechanic, but it just sucks T_T I think we will completely redo it, but I had an idea that I can show again).

3D. I wanted to see how far we can go with those models. I encountered very unexpected difficulties, but yeah, I was prepared for a complete failure. I think we can at least present them in the engine, personally, I was interested to look at this, I think it might be interesting for you too).

I have a feeling that I forgot something, maybe I will remember and add something else, but it seems that's all T_T

Agh, lol, sure, we wil add some new costumes, haha.




You are working on 3 projects at the same time my dude! Remember also to give yourself some slack - And take the time needed💪🏻Rushed work never ends up good honestly. And have a lovely Christmas😊

Anthony Docimo

when its ready, it'll be ready and good. have fun, and enjoy.