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Hi everyone, here is another month’s coming to an end, and here is me wanting to thank all my patrons! :)

As I’ve already said, the nearest release is going to be an update of the WT mod, which will contain further development of Daphne’s, Cho Chang’s and phoenix’s storylines. I know better than to promise any particular dates, but I will do my best to make the update available for the patrons in March at the latest. 

As for the MLA, a number and quality of animations in the next update is going to be improved, although I still can’t give you any heads-up on the release date, I don’t want to make updates of 1-2 events and 2-3 new illustrations, as some authors do. I suppose it could be somewhat beneficial for my page, but it’s not my intention to deface Patreon with such updates. 

At the beginning of the following months Ryzen should be out for sale, and I hope it’s not going to be long until I can get my hands on it in my city. I have some grand plans for new computer-_-

Thank you, my patrons :)



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