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If you've ever followed a blogger who's been filming for a long time, you've most likely heard that any long, complex video is hundreds and thousands of times revised every second of the entire video. After such work, any person literally hates what he does. The feeling is comparable to a song that you once liked, you listened to it for several days or weeks on repeat, then set it on an alarm clock, and after a while you can already recognize it by literally the first sound, and, of course, to this moment, you already "prefer" to put it mildly, never to hear it again.  

These are all songs and videos, with which the process lasts for weeks, maximum - months. In the case of the game - the process lasts for years. There is not a day that I do not sit at the computer, just staring at one point because it just mentally hurts to launch the game again.  

Therefore, my favorite part of the work was and probably always will be cutting game sprites from .psd files. This is what gives the brain a rest, and after a couple of hours of dull and dreary work, in any case, I get the result I need, and not pain and "everything needs to be redone."  

I think this character is too cool for just one scene : (




My game still locks up in the most recent boss scene. I can't escape the room even with the lights out and then it freezes


Lights off, use the door, dont wait, while guard looking for you - just go to the opened door


God wish this guy has a bearhug. He reminds me of a kingpin and penguin