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It might have looked like a reason to be late, but it wasn't. It's a gallstones. A lot of them. The doctor says that the operation is not difficult, but I have to eat only tasteless food for the rest of life. That sucks.




Wishing you the best. My father-in-law underwent that surgery and he's much better now


That's shit man. I hope you get better and take care of your self


That's bloody painfull. Probably operation to crush the gall stones instead of removing the bladder. They only do that when your bladder is dying.

Ai Muhao

Ah. Damn, that's lousy to hear.


Happiness is overrated


we are getting pregnant gameplay?


My gall was also removed. Don't worry, it's a routine procedure and absolutely nothing will change for you. But you are extremely fortunate that it will be removed BEFORE the stones come off... I've had several broken bones and even a gunshot wound in my life, but gallstones were by far the most horrifying pain of my life.


Oh, that sucks butt. Well, not ever enjoying your food is a good way to keep the weight off, I guess.

Elle Marie

sorry to hear, the procedure is MUCH more simpler than it once was though


Hope you doing fine man. I feel you, it's suck that you can't eat like normal