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Vampire Lord

I like where this is going :D


That's not the sauce she was after. Bigger is always better. :)


Oddly specific but I really want to see her hung upside down lol

Dank Memer

can anyone help with progression? I'm currently stuck on just before lvl 6 fame (399/400) and got "talk to John he seems upset" but after talking to him nothing seems to activate or progress. Also met the catwoman character in the museum and the undercover agent at the motel but those two also seem like there's nothing else to progress on. Can't wait to get to the circus stuff.


Check text events with the lens icon in the raid, there is two events about the clowns, hide and follow them until you get the clothes of clowness, then go to circus


Where is the most recent version? I have a buggy 0.722. Everytime I talk to the perv guy in office the game speeds up. It breaks the FPS control, until I talk to old man in office.


0.722 is current. I have to check it, can you send me your save? this bug is something new oO I mean, I can jus try to talk with him, but I think it's some specific dialog.