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Hi guys. So, October’s has come to an end, and as usually, a monthly report is due. Traditionally, I’d love to start my post thanking my patrons :) Without you, none of this would be possible.

I’ve talked on this many times, but now, looking back at previous months and what is inwork today, I can safely say that in the coming months I’ll be able to release an update (not mentioning bugfixes, of course) of each of the projects every month (possible delays due to translation). Considering the subscription fee is charged monthly, I think it’s quite fair.

I’ve already said that, but I’ll repeat. In November a new project I named xxx1.7 is to be released. I haven’t expanded on it, but the most curious of you know what it’s going to be… and let me tell you, it’s going to be a nice surprise formost of you, and even more so for those who anticipated it :) At first I was planning to release that game fully completed, but tight schedule and my projects made me rearrange the plans somewhat. And also it won’t hurt to have some ofyour feedback on the matter, before I invest more time and money into it.

Later, an update of the Graham’s office involving another girl is to be released, after what I’ll go all out on preparing an update of the MLA to be released until the end of the year…I hope this time it’ll be a major release, unlike the previous time, and you’ll be able to appreciate the quality of arts (which, unfortunately, take far more time to produce that I originally estimated) :(

Somepersonal notes:

Working with freelance illustrators is often quite a pain in the ass, I’m looking forward to hire a full-time illustrator, but I can’t afford it for now, even if I give them all the Patreon donations. I do realize that the relatively small Patreon gains are caused by the lack of results, which in turn are somewhat dependant on funding. Trying to break this vicious circle I take on smaller, faster projects.

In Octoberthe Fat saga was released, and, frankly, I liked the project quite a bit :) Iliked it so much that I was planning to improve it and eventually deliver the censored version of it to Steam, Google Play and Newgrounds to increase the audience. Unfortunately, to do so, I’d have to get rid of Warcraft screenshots,which played a major role in the game. Thus, Google Play and Steam are out ofthe question -_- As to Newgrounds, I’d have to spend intolerably great amounts of time to adapt the game for their engine, which would hurt the development ofother projects, so this plan’s crashed L:( As of now, the project is going to stay the way it is, although I still have faith I’ll deliver it on popular platforms.

It’s allfor today. Once more, a huge thanks to all my patrons. A new release soon:)




dat expression <3


I like your work. I hope things can turn around for you soon. I'd love to see more.


Здравствуй Феодосий! Как можно с тобой связаться ? Хочу задать некоторые вопросы, если можно)


в описании компании ведь есть почта и фб


Your work is good.. i realy want see what comming next...