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Hi everybody! First of all, I’d like to thank all my patrons for one more month :) 

I’ll give some insights into the development process. As I mentioned earlier, I have a new illustrator, thus some things has changed, but now I’m sure it was worth it. Currently there are 2 illustrators working on “My little angel” (perhaps one more will soon join the team). At this moment, the frequency with which I can realease new versions of the game depends 99% on how often new arts come out. Of course, I could involve more illustrators, but that would result in heterogeneity of styles which strikes one’s eye. As for the texts and coding…let’s say, I can go somewhat ahead of illustrators :)

Regarding posting here, the pace we are working at does not yet allow for posting new arts every next day, like, say, “Elana Champion of Lust” does (I begin to suspect they made a deal with the devil for the illustrators they have. Should I make a quest about it, maybe?). I don’t want my games to be like recent blockbusters, 99% of plot of which is shown in trailers :)

At this stage, I’m trying to organize our work in a way that would make it possible for me to give you something new at least every month (I’m not talking about arts, of course).Besides MLA, I’m working at 2 other games, one of which continues the “My childhood dream game” series with a different lead lady character (nope, not a clicker:) ). I know many of you have been waiting for a certain project of certain developers to be released for a long time…I’m not sure what comes out of it, but I may make a nice surprise for you very soon:)

Some of you could recommend that I worked on one game at time, so that updates could be released more often…but unfortunately it’s impossible :( Again, the frequency of realeses is mostly determined by the pace with which new arts emerge.Having several projects in development at a time allows me to involve more people in the process, and release something new more often.




Honestly? Old Anabel was beautiful, New one looks like a Caricature, but one has to do what resources allow so good luck.


Old Anabel looks fantastic, but the new one I can see more variations possible with it. Not to mention the menly variations with the guys too.


I agree. It is too caricatured. Previous was more interesting.


Старая офигенна, новая ни о чём.


Hello Feodosiy Sorry for my english. I do not speak English. I signed up here and tell you I love your game it is I efach just horny and I enjoy! I always wanted to play your games, but I can not speak English. Therefore I would be happy, as all of their German fans who do not speak English! If you were in your games (My little angel) Translated in German! If you do that you would all make your German fans very happy! I hope that you answer me me! Your fan!


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