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Hi everyone! I hope you see this before downloading the new version of the game :) All the 5$+ patrons, check your private massages please, there must be a link. Please write about all found bugs, poor translation, gamecrashings if they were(I tested the game, but all things are possible)

Unfortunately, this update does not include everything I planned it would. I seem to have failed to account for this earlier, but it so happens that the rate of my work differs drastically from how fast respective pieces of artwork are produced :). I can’t afford a full-time illustrator for now (hope it’ll change soon), so I work with freelancers, who of course have plenty of other work to commit their time to.
The events system script is now ready, but it’s just a bare script for now (sure it doesn’t sound too convincing, but that how it is), I wish this update could include more, but after the last scene of the intro the game will be built on moving between locations via interface (you’ll understand what I mean, when you see the new office and hell), which now looks like a bunch of squares; this is my map, for example.

This update does not provide any advances of the plot, but nevertheless, the game is now at least three times bigger (I’m not talking about megabites, of course). It’s not the kind of update I mentioned in the post when releasing the intro. I just want to assure you that it’s not endless supply of beer that I spend you money for. The game changed severely comparing to the first release, and is going to change further more.

I’m sure you noticed I have new illustrators. I’ve made a post on it. I also found a new chief illustrator (not the only one), and, guys…he absolutely rocks :). I’m probably going to dedicate him a separate post. Perhaps, we’ll have to remake some of the graphics: new quality is really worth it. But worry not, it’s a gradual process that won’t postpone further releases in any significant way. 

As to the “April in trouble”…the experiment was quite productive in terms of conclusions I draw from it. There will be no more clickers, I made it only to learn the new browser engine, the idea itself wasn’t too good. So yeah, there will be no more clickers, instead there will be small browser games with other familiar heroines. The game contains a link to the respective thread. I’d like to see whow you want my next game to be about. 

And one more thing I find rather important :) I notice that new patrons subscribe to me quite often, at the same time I can see an outflow of older patrons. I can probably understand why it happens: many of you subcribed when I released the intro, but got no updates in the course of next few months. I don’t want you to feel deceived, so I’ll do my best (I can’t promise it, but I really am going to try hard) to make releases every 1 to 1.5 month, although they won’t be as major as originally intended.



I am having trouble progressing past the beginning of the game. I can call all three people and do "cold calls," but that's about it. Nothing ever happens after that, no matter how much I work or sleep. Any help?


That isn't even an option for me. All I see is rounds of beef, get under the desk, coffee, and free to go. The game also sometimes crashes when doing cold calls and changes languages while on cold calls. Could the upload to mega have gotten corrupted or something?


talk with emmie and jenny, after that talk with jimmy "call a brief"