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Hey everyone!

The beginning of this month was probably worse than anyone could have imagined, but as the news of the negotations gets more and more encouraging, I am also writing this post with a rather positive attitude.

During this month, I found a solution to all the critical problems that arose because of the war. It took a lot of paperwork, but now there is nothing to worry about (I hope nothing else gets worse).

About delay. This is a sore subject :( I'm sorry to all of you. At the moment I'm already testing scenes without sound (it still needs to be worked on). Most likely this week I will give the build for review to the first people who usually test raw builds. I don't I think that something other than a meteorite can prevent us from releasing an update next month (April).



Привет. Надеюсь у тебя все хорошо. Отписываться не буду. Надеюсь и другие тоже. Каждый делает что может, так что мы все понимаем. Береги себя