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Hey everyone! 

Last month was a record month for us. I hope that all the newcomers were happy with our content :) I'm very glad that the next update will be seen by more people, because it will be special.

I haven't written reports for a long time, new screenshots are probably always better :) Nevertheless, you should probably know at what stage the development is and what we are doing now.

As for the art: It is completely ready. There are only some little things that become needed already at the moment of staging scenes in the engine.

Animations: probably 50% done. We still have to animate one big scene, which contains 6 separate animations at once. I am very glad that I found our animator who took care of all this.

Programming: Today I finally made a new character menu that I showed you. You can't imagine how important this was to me. It was one of the things that made me not like the game and made it uncomfortable to launch it. Now there is one less thing like that :)

I added more abilities to the opponents, now I am placing these abilities to all existing enemies. In general, the combat system will change. I can not say that "very much", but you will definitely notice it. I hope that the fights will become more varied and interesting.

I changed the look and completely changed the code of the raid text events. Now it will be much easier to make night raids more interesting.

I fixed the levels of slutarang and shocker :)

I removed the "random" in the motel, now the scenes will appear at least 1 time in 4 calls. Perhaps you can see it in the next update 0.55.5 (today).

After that, the most important thing will remain for me. Cutscenes setting. Appropriate music, replics, animations, timing of all this. This is the most important and difficult part of the job. I hope I can make it really epic :)

MLA. Coming out on steam soon. I thought about February, but suddenly the games industry reminded me that this is the time of big releases. I'm not sure yet, maybe we'll move it to March. If any of you haven't wishlisted the game yet, please do so. The number of wishlists tells us whether people are waiting for this release or not.  LINK 




Glad to hear of such good progress! May this and all subsequent months be as successful for you as the previous one!