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And what do you think?



Thomas Madsen

old face and hair but a fan of the new breasts


I prefer old hair by a lot and old face by a little. New breasts look better and much more real although I actually prefer the slightly smaller size from the original.


I like the new style my only issue is I'm not the biggest fan of the haircut, I prefer her longer hair but I imagine both would be in the remaster and I liked her older abdomen better


Old one is much sexier. The new one looks good in a more innocent sort of way, but I think the older one is hotter and fits her personality. New boobs look more realistic but are too big.


New boobs look more realistic and they are so good


В новом варианте мне нравится бОльший реализм, но форма груди и волосы больше нравятся в старом варианте. Как по мне, было бы круто совместить и сделать что-то среднее) p.s. И волосы точно лучше длинные)


woah, thats like a completely different person. Prefer orignal hair though


Prefer the old style: - Boobs do not sag - Long hair I love more - Face looks a bit different(more slim) That said the new style do have some quality to it, and hair would be awesome if it was something you could pick between! (long, short, ponytail) and so on.


Мне больше нравится старая версия буквально во всем: в форме груди, в прическе, в форме лица. VOTE FOR THE TRUMP, т.е. за старое :)


New face is more realistic, but i preferred the old style haircut. The body is largely more natural (the way tits are falling) even if the new boobs could have been a bit smaller

Nick Whittington

I still can’t wait till you add sound to some of the scenes


Извиняюсь за то, что пишу не в тему, но может ли кто-нибудь подсказать сколько концовок в My little angel?


3, Ангельская, Демоническая, Настоящая


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