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password: feodosiy

Trying to make scenes more enjoyable, can't say that I am satisfied with this result. What do you think? Do you know where I can get reference with better sounds?

damn Vimeo banned my account T_T Changed to twitter.


Feodosiy on Twitter: "pic.twitter.com/Oo4trz54UB / Twitter"




Honestly, I automatically mute any game that has sex sounds. They're not sexy, are usually cringe, and I'm probably listening to my own music anyway.


I agree the sounds are not that good. But if i have to choose. The Splat sound is the one for me and the volume should be minimal. And i dont know any sound sources. Maybe some patrons know some.


just saying, but, do u really need to put sound efects in that? i mean, when u fuck or watch porn, it just dosnt sound, i think, with only the voice/voices it will be perfect, but thats just my opinion, im not a big fan of "vagina sounds" jajaja, btw, UR ALL DOING A GREAT JOB, cant wait to see next build, kisses <3


the last 2 were decent sounding, the others were just... off. Many of them sound as if you were crushing bugs, it should sound sound closer to what those slime toys sound when you play with them. I don't know how to describe this but try to make it sound softer, less aggressive, perhaps that could work.


Привет! Из всех звуков мне ничего не понравилось( Если выбор будет только из этих, что на видео, то лучше уже без звука вовсе. Согласен с комментами выше. Я не особо обращаю внимания на звуки, фоновой музыки мне достаточно. Анимация супер


I agree with most of the other feedback. I think pornography is far more visual than anything else. I've never had a porn game where the sound has added anything, but I have had many games with bad sounds that have made the game borderline unplayable for me. I think the risk/reward for tweaking the sound design is far too impractical. Although I don't think anybody would mind a voice actress, there's just too much that goes into that


As far as real criticism on the actual sound itself I think you need to throw all of them away and replace them more with meaty slaps, and bed creaks. These are sounds that actually stimulate in my opinion. The squishes sound extremely artificial. However, I have no idea where to find any non-copyrighted sounds

Anna Fedorovitsch

Что ж, давно я не занималась чем-то вроде прослушивания звуков соития, но тем не менее. Второй и ещё пара из конца звучат более-менее, но никак не звук выжимаемой мочалки. Сорри. Присоединюсь к комментаторам выше - очень не хватает звуков скрипа кровати, а в сочетании с озвучкой было бы идеально.


Grab the mic, hit record, sit on the center of your mattress and rock back and forth. Repeat this process against chairs, desks, couches, etc. For the penetration sound, put lube on your hands, cover your fist with your other hand and literally punch your hand. Or rub them together like you're washing your hands.


Aside from what others have said about the individual sounds being awkward, you need a way of varying the sounds that play. The same short track being looped will always sound awful, even if the individual sound isn't that bad.


or listen to porn audio just the sound effects :)