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Sorry for this silence. It happens because of the fact that I know that the only thing that you are waiting for now - the news of the new update. I think it would have been ready if we hadn't lost a few days of work due to urgent matters. Now I am already working on such things as sounds / music of locations and just tests. We are just delaying, there are no major problems.

To break the silence - new updated animation :)




lol this feels so shady. i feel like im getting scammed


you win this month but you won't get another dime out of me


Well... sorry to hear that :( I hope that nevertheless you will not forget about this project forever and you will like the final version :)


You're wrong on all counts, brother. We are not here to buy another release from Feo. We are here to support his work, to help him reach the end and make a great game that big boys can play with pleasure. The guys try and everything does not always go smoothly, there are punctures, delays and mistakes, but you have no right to say the word deception. The reality is that the promotion of games for adults is now almost impossible. A person gives us a great gift, and you... eh...


It's your money to waste then. He constantly says "soon" and then three months later you get 5 mins of content. It's just not worth supporting. You can be a sheep all you want lol, but there's a reason why most people just pirate his stuff. I was like you at first. oh no people keep pirating his stuff so let me support him, only to see he never delivers.


Just want to say that i've supported multiple long-term project games and out of them you are one of, if not, the most active as far as your updates. I don't think you update ALL THE TIME exactly, but you're in really good standing in my book. Would take a lot of shenanigans to falter my trust as a backer right now. Love the project, keep on keeping on!


Quality takes time Feodosiy, and you already proved that you comit with your proyects, keep the good work mate


The builds are still dogshit/borderline unplayable when they’re released despite the long delays lol.


Dev is hard. Stay motivated, stay healthy, keep delivering awesome content. This game has huge potential.


If only you had an awareness on how long making these type of games. Take note that this game is being worked by only 2 people.


Plenty of adult game devs do the same thing with less people lol.


How are you sure about this? lmao. Im gonna notch up my subscription to Feo to make you feel better.


Bc i've played them lol. and idc what you do with your money.


You are right, you decide for yourself what is good for you, and I for myself, but your arguments look like childishness: I want everything right now, I paid the dollar that my mother gave me, and this guy constantly talks about what kind of corrections and improvements. Even if it turns out that this project will not be completed, I am here to support the Feo, and not to get an instant result. But I'll turn around, my friend, everyone decides for himself. If you think that your decision is correct-good.


I don't expect a basement-dweller, like yourself, to understand the value of hard-earned money, but to those of us who work for it, yes, we do expect things in return. However, I'm willing to support the game if the creator isn't "delaying" their game to get people to pay money for the membership knowing full well they have nothing to deliver that month. Every update has a "delay" if it were once i'd understand but going back through his patreon you can see he's nothing but a scam artist.


Jesus Christ lmfao you're just blatantly insulting people now? Have some class dude. If you really hate the project just unsubscribe from it. The rest of us are satisfied with the devs, their effort, and the product so far. And PLEASE do not recite how "garbage" the game is, or the devs. We get it, you don't like it. So stop spending your money here because plenty of other people can see what you do not, and i feel like more will continue to arrive without you.


Don't worry, the person just expresses his opinion, even if he allows himself a little too much. He is angry at this situation, and is just trying to defend his point of view. I don't think that I or Feo or any of us will be very upset about this. Although I know for sure that Feo is worried about mistakes and not improvements on the project. And in any case, a person needs to say thank you for the money he spent on this project. I think this topic has already exhausted itself. We have all drawn our own conclusions.