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Hello everyone! It was probably necessary to write this post earlier, but for the last 2 days I have tried unsuccessfully to compile an android build of MLA with a couple of little fixes and I managed to do it only tonight -_-

At this point, I seem to have finally figured out all the urgent matters, namely:

1. Added android version TLK 0.39

2. Fixed android build MLA.

3. Completed Otaku's Rage.

4. Registered the page of the game The Sin.

Otaku's Rage. I feel like this game is really cursed ... I was ready to release it on 04.02, but when I added DLC, the release button just disappeared. This was not the case with other games, probably this is some kind of changes in Steam rules -_-

Anyway, the game is again being checked by the moderators and I can only wait for it to be checked. However, now it is really ready. I gave it to a group of people to test it and we found, I think, all the problems and I already fixed it. Now all that remains is to get the release button and finally do it.

The Sin. This is my little experiment that I wrote about in the New Year's post. I try myself as a publisher of a visual novel that I really liked. It certainly doesn't look like what you signed up for me for, and I don't expect you to buy it, but nevertheless, it would be foolish to at least not link to it. I am not asking about anything, but it may be interesting for you.


The Lewd Knight. The update next in line is - 0.4. In it I will try to completely finish the storylines of the massage parlor and webcam shown in 0.39. In the final version of the game, these events will open gradually as the story progresses. It would be logical to add these events from update to update, along with the main plot, but I already said that working this way I will spend twice as much development time. Most likely 0.4 will be the only version in which it will be possible to walk through these events without long leveling.

Patreon. I am planning to make another attempt to revive this page. I do not know how far this will go, perhaps I will once again decide that it is better to spend time developing updates, and not some posts there, but nevertheless, do not be surprised if you see something here that was not here before...


Всем привет! Наверное, нужно было написать этот пост раньше, но последние 2 дня я безуспешно пытался скомпилировать андроид билд МЛА с парой небольших фиксов и мне удалось сделать это только сегодня вечером -_-

На данный момент, я, кажется, наконец-то разобрался со всеми срочными делами, а именно:

1. Добавлена андроид версия ТЛК 0.39

2. Починил андроид билд МЛА

3. Доделал Otaku’s Rage.

4. Зарегистрировал страничку игры The Sin.

Otaku’s Rage. Мне кажется, что эта игра действительно проклята… Я уже был готов выпустить ее в четверг, но когда я добавил ДЛС, кнопка релиза просто исчезла. С другими играми такого не было, наверное это какое-то нововведение -_-

Так или иначе, игра снова на проверке модераторов и мне остается только ждать, когда ее проверят. Тем не менее, сейчас она уже действительно готова. Я дал группе людей протестировать ее и мы нашли, как мне кажется, все проблемы, которые я уже починил. Теперь остается только получить кнопку релиза и наконец сделать это.

The Sin. Это мой небольшой эксперимент, о котором я писал в новогоднем посте. Я пробую себя в качестве издателя визуальной новеллы, которая мне очень понравилась. Это точно не похоже на то, ради чего вы на меня подписывались, и я не жду, что вы будете ее покупать, но тем не менее, будет глупо хотя бы просто не оставить ссылку на нее. Не о чем не прошу, но может быть вам будет интересно.


The Lewd Knight. Следующее обновление на очереди – 0.4. В нем я постараюсь полностью закончить сюжетные ветки массажного салона и вебкама, показанные в 0.39. В финальной версии игры эти эвенты будут открываться постепенно, по мере продвижения сюжета. Было бы логично добавлять эти эвенты от обновления к обновлению, вместе с основным сюжетом, но я уже говорил, что работая таким образом я потрачу на разработку вдвое больше времени. Скорее всего 0.4 будет единственной версией, в которой можно будет пройтись по этим эвентам без длительной прокачки.

Patreon. Я планирую предпринять очередную попытку оживить эту страничку. Я не знаю как далеко это зайдет, возможно, я в очередной раз решу, что лучше потратить время на разработку обновлений, а не какие – то там посты, но тем не менее, не удивляйтесь, если увидите здесь то, чего тут раньше не было.




i think a update from time to time is ok, just as "proof of life " . i will check the game, thanks for sharing




Well, about the curse of Otaku's Rage, it's probably, but don't get hung up on that thought. Maybe it's just really some kind of changes in Steam rules


Just wondering, will there be a possibility to complete the Lewd Knight without being involved in sex/nudity events? It can sound rather ridiculous for this kind of game, but I think it would be a nice challenge, like completing, for example, Metroid games without collecting any power-ups. :)


And one more question: will she get a superheroine outfit with a skirt, too (like on your page banner), or just the default one with latex pants?


Nevermind this question, since I've already read your answer to my other comment regarding this outfit. If there still are more "battle" outfits planned for her in the future, I would REALLY love to see a "slingshot" outfit (new armor, haha) with thigh high boots and gloves or something like that - it should match her whip perfectly.


Yes, we will make a root without sex, it will be in the final version.


as I already wrote, we can only change the chibi model at the location (not dialog sprites and not sprites of using spells)


I mean, of course we can start doing this, but instead of new content, we will spend a lot of time on just costumes, I think no one wants this


Thank you very much for explanation. I think it will be better to just keep the default costume for the rest of the game. :)


Speaking of costumes... I've noticed, that in previous version of the game (edit: in 0.39 version, too), when Anabelle is in her home, specifically in the kitchen or on the sofa, her clothes suddenly change to her "home outfit" (t-shirt and shorts) when she opens a fridge, cooks or eats, and when she sleeps / watches TV / pleasures herself on the sofa, as well as when she does aerobics, regardless of what she currently wears - a home outfit, a lingerie set or nudity. Will there be "corrected" sprites for these activities, that will take her current clothes/nudity into account? Thanks! Also, her pink bra/panties outfit seems to can be chosen only in the beginning of the game when she goes out of her room the first time. After that, only two choices remain available in her room - her home outfit and no clothes at all.


Also, I've noticed, that in the gym, after Anabelle took a shower, while she is naked she is able to walk out to the gym and talk to the fitness instructor and even perform her exercises. If it's by design (an easter egg?), it would be good to add her additional "naked" training/boxing/treadmill sprites to the game (I think everyone will be happy if you do that). Also, I think it would be better to allow her to get naked in the gym locker when she is going to the shower. Currently she goes to the shower wearing training outfit, takes a shower, and then goes out naked, and her training outfit is magically "teleported" to the locker. :)