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My Little Angel Steam - Released HERE

Patreon ver. Link

MLA Remaster runnable teaser in this post.


The Lewd Knight.

Current public version is 0.9.21 - Post 

Current patrons build is 0.95.5 - Post 

Current cheats versions - Link

Wishlist the game on Steam Page


Magic Lessons: The Secret Spell

Public Teaser Link 

High Tier Runnable spoilers Push 


Otaku's Rage: Waifu's strikes back Is available to buy on STEAM PAGE !




Seriously, THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER!!!!! I would do anything for a sequel!!!! PLEASE!!!


In Germany not available


HUMAN! Nevermind i found the current build a few scrolls away. i appreciate you

Yakumo X (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-19 21:53:14 Hey Feodosiy is there a way to buy the Steamversion in germany? Or Can I buy it directly from you because my country doesnt allow these type of games. Idk why:c
2023-10-07 00:44:52


why you want to buy it? you have access to the same version. I mean you can't get it to your german steam account, but you can just play it. If you want to support - you can do it here.

Дава Злодик

Как получить сцену там где 2 парня трахают Анабель?


Какую именно? одна из них рандомная, просто нужно проверять ее дом с 9 до 11 (иконка сердца)


Regarding TLK, close to the 4th fame level now. Was wondering if some enemies will ever fear Anabell? Also does she get like a side kick like Robin? Seemed like that lesbain might make for a good side kick. If ever inclined could call her Rubbinyouout or something. I started originally from the version on itcho. Not sure if had to restart game? or could continue on? with this version? Enemies still seem bugged stacking shield buffs instead of losing them on their next turn. Lastly why is there 0 symbol for money after winning? Yet never get any money after winning? So why is it even there?


How do you find join after he leaves the office?



get clown suit in the text raid events about the clowns (icon with lens), then go to circus


how i download the game ?


А как получить лесбо-сцену в душе?


это сюжетная сцена в ветке "новой жизни", когда она после работы идет в тренажерный зал, потом в душ


How do I open Lewd Knight 0.39? I download it and cant open


Win, whenever I try to open it, it just says " search for google for application" even though I have Winrar

John Islaw

On the 0.39 release, after clicking on the hero raid it will just show me the gray background of the transition. Music still playing on the background.


ooh, ok, I have to check it. There were many problems with this on the android version, but on the PC such problems have not yet arisen.

John Islaw

Alright! No rush, I really like where the game so far even in its current stage. Keep it up!


Hello so on the android version all office locations the gym main location and at the start of the game in the background there's nothing but blue screen. The main avatar she is blurry and out of focus when walking around and fighting. The controls for the sex scenes aren't there there's only the auto button and that's it. The controls don't work at the start of the game when controling the little girl. And that's for this version


Also the biker boss fight when you loose it's either a complete black screen or a complete blue screen. There's just a lot of bugs with the android version

Haydar Tyrsson

I'm facing the same problem no, myself. I thought it might be something I can only do on weekends. Turns out that didn't work. It's an odd thing. I enjoyed the fights, would like to do some more. lol

menchukmikhail Менчук

Блин у меня на Андроиде при прохождении линии массажный салон - на экране отображается мерцание и вылетает игра

menchukmikhail Менчук

Когда посещаешь впервый раз и спрашиваешь про работу и дальше больше, когда выбираешь работать; когда выбираешь линию вебкама ( вот прям изначально не отображается главная героиня и идут полосы)


еще ищу проблему. Можете сказать конкретно после чего происходит краш? После клика на бабульку? После нажатия на выбор "работать"? Или в момоент перехода на локацию массажа?


пытаюсь найти проблему. Можете сказать конкретно после чего происходит краш? После клика на бабульку? После нажатия на выбор "работать"? Или в момент перехода на локацию мини-игры массажа?


Уже несколько человек по-разному описали примерно одно и тоже. У меня на сяоми а2 все запускается, т.е. это не общая проблема и вероятнее всего, проблема не в мощности телефона. Как я понял, все видят "полосы, расплывшийся экран", это бэкграунд диалога, т.е. диалог подгружается. Попробуйте ничего не нажимать и просто подождать когда появятся персонажи. Еще вариант: попробуйте до того как запускать массаж или вебкам поговрить с кем - то (чтобы это был не первый запуск диалоговой системы). Т.е. чтобы с момента запуска игры это был не первый эвент с диалогами.


Уже несколько человек по-разному описали примерно одно и тоже. У меня на сяоми а2 все запускается, т.е. это не общая проблема и вероятнее всего, проблема не в мощности телефона. Как я понял, все видят "полосы, расплывшийся экран", это бэкграунд диалога, т.е. диалог подгружается. Попробуйте ничего не нажимать и просто подождать когда появятся персонажи. Еще вариант: попробуйте до того как запускать массаж или вебкам поговрить с кем - то (чтобы это был не первый запуск диалоговой системы). Т.е. чтобы с момента запуска игры это был не первый эвент с диалогами.


need mac cheat version pls


could you tell me how to defeat biker boss pls i cannot defeat him he always regenerate hp


you cannot defeat him first time by the plot, go through the story


Hi! I am having trouble getting my Mac to play the game. Is there a guide somewhere that could help? Thanks!


hello! open the archive and find the executable file, problems only with a double click


Oh well.. I play as android apk but 0.4 version.. when I go anywhere it kills the app. my phone is galaxy s10 5g, android version is 11. better luck next version ;(


The link to the Patrons TLK 0.45 version download takes you to the 0.40 links page.


Just making sure I read things correctly, the cheat version is a little behind the other version in terms of content, right?


The cheat patch is a one-time file, it works with any version of the game starting from 0.41.


So I started the game with this version, can someone tell me what to do to trigger "moving to a bigger desk" at work ? thx


Oh I saw on forums that you can move to a bigger desk at work if you show up late multiple times and get punished by work boss. Maybe it's misinformation ?


if you will be late, he will punish you. But the big table is just a workplace from the old versions.


How late ? Cause i've tried for a week and nothing happens :/ Also, in the massage parlor, there's supposed to be a "program to follow" but it's always empty. Do i need to do more massages to really unlock it ?


Late: after 9. Massage is very grindi because this storyline was not meant to be played in a row, but to be played throughout the game. The last event is unlocked on 100 clients. Just keep working.


Ok so I did at least 100 clients since last event (unlocking the 3 sex positions) and still nothing new. No program or other tips from Granny. Is my game bugged ?


ah, sorry, just didnt noticed it. Sex with clients is the last event in current version. I think "program to follow" means window from the left with clients wishes like "Bikini" or "Naked", "69" etc.


Thx for the clarification, but in my case, the window from the left is always empty, no "bikini" or "naked" or anything. Is there supposed to be something there in current version ?


Gotcha. The cheat is labeled as 0.4 when the other version is labeled 0.45 so I wasn't sure if the cheats were just a version behind or something.


Прикольная игра. Успеха в разработке) я нашел пару небольших багов, если поехать на работу в офис и нажать FAST, затем в середине бара нажать ENTER, забежать к босу и просто поговорить, пойти в офис и доработать день то заплатят 150$ (как будто бы с доп услугами). А еще, если пойти в бар, выпить 3 бутылки, затем покинуть локацию уехав домой и прийти в бар на следующий день, то первая же выпитая бутылку приводит к сцене (которая наступает после 4ой бутыли) счетчик не сбрасывается короче.


How do you effect the debauchery meter?


When will TLK be on steam? :o


but you can add it to wishlist rightnow : ) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1129520/The_Lewd_Knight/

Benjamin Button

Great game - love it. Look forward to see more scenes with Mr Bastard, perhaps something on the sofa? Is there an ETA on ver. 055? Right now (ver 0.52 ) is it correct that fame lvl 6 cannot be reached? What and when can the toilet at the bar be used for something? Right now it does not have an function - correct?


Are you able to do anything at the massage parlor, yet?

Edwin Garrison

What is the + and + and the ++ versions ? And i got the %20 cheat version. How do i apply that ? Thanks

Edwin Garrison

Is,once you can work at the MOTEL, and you see JOHN in his event,the end of this update ? Thanks

Orhun Wilson

Ever considered adding customization menu? At least let us change hair (both hairs ^^) style and color. That would be nice.

Jimmy Jammer

so i downloaded the new patreon update and i loaded my game and anytime i try to move she slides to the right on her own


absolutely love the game so far. i have however hit a snag. i'm fightin the biker gang leader next to the slut signal and for some reason whenever i beat him, and i've beaten him at least 15 times now, he says he's sick of me and asks if i think i'm cool and then nothing happens. also, he goes into negative health so i'm not sure if that's a problem or not. took him to -100 by stun locking him for several rounds which i thought was hilarious. is this a common bug or am i doin somethin i shouldn't be? please and thank you.


you just can't win this fight, to avoid this bug just lose it, but yeah, I have to fix it


it's the most up to date windows version. oh lol. made her too bad ass i reckon. appreciate the help.

Ashley Williams

the Patron version of the game (versions after 5.5) doesn't work on my mac, every time i download it, unzip the file it always says "The Application TLK0.721Mac can't be opened, the public version works just fine on my mac though

feodosiy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-30 09:17:30 not shure how it works exactly, I don't have mac, but what I been told: "cd TLK0.6mac.app && chmod -R 775 Contents" from terminal. (change it to your file name)
2022-07-23 08:51:46 not shure how it works exactly, I don't have mac, but what I been told: "cd TLK0.6mac.app && chmod -R 775 Contents" from terminal. (change it to your file name)

not shure how it works exactly, I don't have mac, but what I been told: "cd TLK0.6mac.app && chmod -R 775 Contents" from terminal. (change it to your file name)


TLK .722 for Windows. I started New Game+ got through quite a bit and after detective told me to check out the bar, I couldn't go to the bar. Exclamation mark is on the bar but it is can't be selected. Mouse hover doesn't highlight it.


I was on night raids at fame level 0, I managed to get +56 points on one night. I already had points. Probably enough to get Fame 2 with all the points, then the game froze when it was trying to upgrade me to fame 1. I think it froze when more than one fame is upgraded at a time.