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Hello everyone!

Yesterday I finally finished working on this update (I fixed all problems we found and made all version, including android).

So, new version is available for patrons and could be found in this post. (Win64, WIn86, Android).

Version with cheats, as before, in this post.

What has been added?

We took note of all the feedback we have received and focused on what we had the most complaints about.

- Now the game is much more story-driven and you shouldn't feel like you don't know what to do next. Story events have been added up to the victory over the boss of the bikers gang.

- In addition, many players wrote that they would like to see big cg arts, like in  My Little Angel. We've added a Bikers Boss scene and a lot of comics. In the next updates, the number of big cg will also increase.

- And yeah, there are still a lot of small changes, such as the appearance of new equipment, slutarangs, training mechanics. You will see all this for yourself.




I love the comics! Gives a great atmosphere to the game which would otherwise be really dark. The animations are good but I enjoy the artwork as well.


Hey there. I think this is a good game with excellent potential, but a few flaws. Is this a good place to post comments and questions?


OK, so I'm a new Patron. I hadn't seen or heard of The Lewd Knight until this weekend. I don't know how much more work you are planning to do on it, and if I'm expecting too much, but here's my feedback on the game so far. Thanks for making it! I've played through to the current ending and enjoyed it. I love the idea, love the heroine, and love the humour. I didn't get any points in debauchery or reputation, and didn't find anything to do at the hospital or motel, so I guess those elements are still in development. Does the apartment unlock anything except a new sex scene? I like RPG-type games in which the character walks around and does things between gameplay sections. I think it helps to build a link to the character and makes the gameplay more meaningful. But it would be good to have more day-to-day variety. Sex with the boss gets repetitive. I would like to see other slutty ways to earn money, maybe in the evenings. And perhaps the professor could lower his prices if Anabel helps with his weird experiments. A choice of everyday outfits would be good, too. The first boss fight was long and frustrating. I had maxed my stats and bought lots of equipment, so I got him down to zero health and then realised I couldn't win. The training with Pay May was boring and felt like a time sink. It wasn't sexy, it didn't increase my stats, and I didn't need the new skills because I could already beat the boss. If possible, I suggest giving the boss a specific attack that ends the fight quickly, and Pay May teaches Anabel how to dodge it every time. The other skills could be optional. Giving another level of stats would also help. Some card management would be good. I didn't learn the 'trained punch' skill on my second play through because more cards reduce my chance of drawing a block. Apart from those complaints, I think this is fantastic work and I look forward to seeing what you do with it!


Good point on the card management, I felt often like I drew too many punches when I really wanted like Kick/Block or Punch/Dodge.


Thank you for such feedback! We are still working on the balance and will improve it in every update until it is satisfactory. To realize reputation and debauchery, there are not enough events in the game at the moment. The workouts are already very much simplified compared to the original version and we are still thinking how to make them more interesting. The next update will be dedicated to new ways of earning money.


I agree with all of this. I would reduce the amount of punch cards with 1 or make the new skills replace them more. I would speed up the work outs too and in general add more sexy stuff to the game in the daily life.


I'll look forward to the next update! I think the gym workouts are OK. Maybe increase the stamina cost. Then you need more visits to the gym, but each workout is shorter. But don't worry about it too much. It's fine to have some activities in the game that aren't sexy. The first problem with Pay May's training is the grey suit covering our beautiful heroine. Then the time required. When I first went to the gym, I had 120 stamina. At the temple, I had 180 stamina. So each training session is very long. And there isn't even a shower at the end. Maybe she could wash in a fountain or something!