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Hello everyone!. Probably, I have been silent for too long -_-

The time elapsed from the past of my post was very intense and I just didn’t even have time to even think about the need to show signs of life -_- 

Who wants to strip this babe? How are sales going? We were ready for the fact that the games would not be interesting to anyone at all and maybe we would not even sell 100 copies, with a good deal we hoped for at least a modest 10,000-20000 sales for Steam. As always, it turned out something average. The money will help us survive, I hope, a temporary fall on the patreon -_- Anyway, we started all this to gain experience with Steam and we got it.

My Little Angel. I had to spend a wild amount of time preparing a version for Steam... It was very long and necessary, but I did it ... After that, I decided to completely finish it and make the first truly working android build that I was asked to do so many times and I promised it -_- What can I say? I almost flew into the atmosphere on my own >< I don’t know why, but it seems to me that in this world nothing in this world can work correctly. I had to fix several dozens of errors for several hours each, before RenPy gave me the coveted apk file, and you know what? HE DOESN'T RUN.

The link to the game will be updated without the announcement for obvious reasons.

Steam. I do not know why, but Steam has been stubbornly refusing to approve the demo version of MLA for a week now. I won't there won't be anything terrible, and we can still approve it. Most likely we will release MLA on Steam earlier than planned, because almost all the corrections are ready. A lot depends on the publication date of the Project X demo.

Today, the hope has crept into our heads that someday the patreon will be more likely just a blog with the opportunity to donate, and not the only means to conduct our activities.


Time. So here. How much time did I spend on publishing of Hentai Streamer Girl? If you do not take the time for art (Nash did it), then personally my time took about half a week, I would not do the second part, if it demanded more time, because I need to do a new project. So, it took a whole week to make it possible to translate MLA into any other language -_- And then I killed a few more days to make this damn android build.

Today is June 8, and I had to spend so much time on things not related to the new project T_T. To at least somehow remedy the situation, I tried to work with one hired programmer. I hope that we will be able to work productively with him and the new demo won't be delayed by much.

As for the demo. It is looking less and less like we might have a demo by the end of June. From today, I won't spend another hour on anything other than it. We are working very hard towards a release of the demo but if worse comes to pass and we can't get a demo out by the end of June we won't leave you empty handed. I don't want to spoil anything but it will be interesting. Although, of course, it would be ideal if we have time to make a demo even if only in the last hour of the last day of June in the last time zone

Patreon. We continue to fall to the bottom -_- I hope that this is only a temporary phenomenon caused by the transition time between projects and after the release of the demo Project X the situation will improve.

Thanks again to everyone who still supports us :)


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