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Hi, everybody!  As I said, 0.7.1 will be available at the beginning of the April(first week). It will be only new H-scenes update, not mechanics or something... just more h-scenes :) So, considering this I decided to make 0.7 version public :) I will use text from patrons release(i'm not native English speaker, i need to use translator for big posts): 

The time has finally come. Today 0.7 is go public! 

To tell you the truth, I was terrified at realizing how much time has it been since the release of the previous version... the side-projects turned to be hella time-consuming. Still, I had to bring the fan-mod to completion, and I wanted to end it with a major note. As far I am concerned, I managed alright. This entire year I'll devote to the MLA (except for occasionally helping Nesh with his project, of course). We must finish it this year. When I started it, I had barely had any experience, and, thus, something that'd take less than a year now, took such tremendous amount of time. 

Immediately after the previous release I intended to update all the events. But as I started working on the update, I found that a new mechanic gave me freedom to dramatically improve the gameplay. I promised the update in February, although I finished the mod (aside from bug-fixes) only on January 15. I thought Christmas/New Yeah holidays I'd be busy with the MLA. Not having much time, I decided to aim my work at updating locations and time mechanic. The game made a huge leap forward. From now on, you can really feel like an angel, and not just go through events one-by-one. I'd been striving to archive this very feel, but had had too poor a skillset for that before.

This update stores two sufficient changes. 

1) Thanks to the new time mechanic, you can now not only "descend" right to Anabelle and watch event after event. But also you are free to enter any location. Of course, I had to vastly increase the number of available locations, so that you don't just wander about empty locations, waiting for Anabelle.   

2) The time mechanic has been greatly improved. Time now ticks during events, too. This enlivens the locations. You can just sit there, in Anabelle's room, watching her go throught her daily routine (randomized with accordance to the story progress and her stats). 


I know that you will have questions. Schedule in the academy: 

9:00 - 10:15 Lecture

10:15 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 12:15 Lecture

12:15 - 13:00 Break 

13:00 - 14:15 Lecture

14:15 - 15:00 After lectures

Last event of update - demoness&angel.


I read many comments on the web... Soul sorting system has been somewhat changed. The mechanic is untouched, although I've increased the number of folders and animation speed. I also added some hints. 

I think the game became much better, but there is bad news, too. With such a tight schedule, we could really advance the story much. No, I don't mean to say there are no new thematic scenes, I wouldn't have allowed such an update :) We wanted to atone for the lack of story development by adding something you'd asked for a long time... you'll see what I mean (next updates will have similar scenes).

Once again, due to the time limits, some things that should have been included have not been... But I promised an update in February and I didn't want to be a liar... I'll try to make another update within one month. It'll be the version 0.7.1 with somewhat refined logic, new h-scenes.

Cheat version is available in main post: Link 

I thank all of you who made this release possible :)


Android version (thank booom313 for porting) Download  

!UPDATE! - we catch some bugs in android version. Link updated. If you see a bug, please indicate in which version it was found (desktop or android).



Feodosiy, не знаю владеете ли вы русским языком поэтому напишу как получиться ( за английскую версию сразу прошу прощения , переводил с русского языка на гугл переводчике ). Перехожу сразу к делу. В игре "My Little Angel" версии 0.7Р (для всех ) обнаружено четыре неприятных бага. Первый - если главный герой зайдет в кинотеатр когда его подопечная учится в колледже , то игра выдает ошибку с трайс-логом ( полное сообщение об ошибке выложил ниже отдельным сообщением ). Второй - при покупке одежды для вечеринки сценка не заканчивается и зависает после сообщения "просто верни все кроме одной вещи". Третий (вытекает из второго, текстурный) - на вечеринке при монологе героини (подопечной) с подругой не прорисовываются текстуры одежды, лица, рук и так далее ( прорисовывает только мимику и глаза). Четвертый - в колледже на перемене на монологе подопечной с подругой (ссора) после слов подруги "ничего, забудь" сценка не заканчивается и никаких действий предпринять нельзя кроме как выйти на карту или в свой кабинет.


eodosiy, I do not know if you know the Russian language so I'll write how to get it (for the English version at once I apologize, translating from the Russian language to Google translator). I turn right to the point. In the game "My Little Angel" version 0.7P (for all) found four unpleasant bugs. The first - if the main character enters the cinema when his ward is in college, the game gives an error with the tracer (the full error message was posted below with a separate message). Second - when buying clothes for a party scene does not end and hangs after the message "just return all but one thing." The third (follows from the second, textured) - at the party with the monologue of the heroine (ward) with her friend, the textures of clothing, face, hands and so on (draws only facial expressions and eyes) are not drawn. The fourth - in college at the change on the monologue of the ward with a girlfriend (quarrel) after the words of her friend "nothing, forget" the scene does not end and no action can be taken except to go to the card or to your office.


Владею канеш. Это в версии для андройда? Такое лучше писать в дискорд(ответы приходят с уведомлением).


Феодосий прошу прошение но в андроид версии я не могу зайти в дом к главной героине можно както исправить пасиб за внимание


опиши подробнее проблему пожалуйста, почему не можешь? Лучше в дискорде.


как на андройде сохраняться?


Можно ссылочку на версию с читами? Или же как их включить в игре, которая доступна в публичном вариарнте.